9 Jul 2023
12 Apr 2022
11 Feb 2022
Don't wait for spring cleaning
Two meditation master from SW England - breathing is the key!
What spring cleaning is for the household, a little detoxification from time to time is for your own body. I think the beginning of fall is a good time for that. Today I would like to describe four methods that make the body fitter and more resilient and also improve its appearance. And I'm not talking about expensive pills, formulas or eventual spa visits.
Everyone has the means for a small detoxification according to TerLiMa at hand. According to Kneipp, we use clear water and a brush or a natural sponge. What do you drink during the day and evening? Tea, coffee, milk, juices, alcoholic beverages should all be stopped for three days. drink water Yes, water is and remains the best and at the same time cheapest food. And I don't mean expensive waters from the shop shelf. No, just tap water.
In most places in Germany drinking water from the tap is perfectly acceptable. It is best to provide 2-3 liters for each day and drink throughout the day and evening. The liver is cleaned as well as the kidneys. Toxins are flushed out of the body. Pay attention to a good departure! But as the saying goes, water is for washing... So wash with clear water for three days. So consciously avoid soaps and bath additives. Then use a good brush during the bath and gently rub the whole body with it.
Separated skin cells are thereby removed, the immune and lymphatic systems are stimulated. And: Cellulite, the notorious orange peel skin where toxins accumulate, is reduced. And it doesn't matter if brushing wet or dry. Always towards the heart.
But even that is not very important. TerLiMa has already reported on the brush technology in earlier articles. In addition to water, breath is of particular importance for detoxification.
Try breathing consciously. You may even try and use different yoga breathing methods. You can't go wrong with this. Every consciously executed breath means a gain. Better breathing supplies the body with more oxygen. Consciously draw in the air deeply with your diaphragm.
Take a few moments several times a day to breathe deeply. With more oxygen, the body tissue is then detoxified. Smokers don't have to give up their addiction right away. But even here, a slight reduction in consumption can work wonders.
My last tip. TV off! Try surviving three days without a TV, even without a PC or other electronic entertainment. This detoxifies the mind, sleep becomes calmer and you feel more balanced. And who is normally surrounded by many people every day, looking for peace and contemplation for three days and also being alone once in a while.
Good luck and enjoy detoxing!
15 Jun 2020
Half a cup of tar in a smokers lung
Anyone who walks in a cafe without a care and orders a "coffee"
is given a choice: cappuccino, latte, caffeine-free, espresso ... forgot
something else?
But if you smoke with your coffee, then you drink another special cup. The cup of tar.
There is so much tar in an average smoking lung, if you wanted
to store it at home in the closet, the health department would show up.
18 Jan 2020
If you want to reach old age
If you want to reach old age - stay away from smoking!
And that does include the passive smoking.
And that includes the E-cigarette smoking.
5 Jan 2020
Passive smoking is deadly for children
3 Nov 2019
Seek nature
Autumn now unfolds the most beautiful colours and shapes, especially in the forest or in parks. Do a long walk, just take a stroll and soak up the fresh air, let your mind wander. It's worth even in the evenings. Turn off the TV and get out! We have become too much "inside people".
30 Sept 2019
Move - move - move!
"And even though I always eat healthy and conscious and even do sports regularly "
Well, that's easy to explain. Today, you're weighing 25 kg more, which means you've only gained about 0.8 kg on average over the past 30 years. And that comes naturally unnoticed. The
clothes size does not change in one fell swoop, no one draws your attention to it, because it is almost unnoticeable.
The reason for such a slow weight gain, despite active membership in the sports club is due to the daily routine. Even if we e.g. being physically challenged at work and even exercising actively once a week, it is not enough to clear the balance between food intake and calorie needs / burns.
Scientists at the US University of Missouri have researched that a predominantly sedentary lifestyle and work style can not be compensated by the occasional walk to the gym or other sports activities.
What's missing are 10,000 steps per day, the scientists say. Accordingly, physical inactivity is the main reason for the development of chronic diseases such as diabetes or obesity.
Therefor >>> out of the TV chair!
Gardening is a very good activity to stay trim and fit |
12 Apr 2019
Worth knowing about yoga
Good to know >>>
- There are many yoga styles in, there is something for everyone. Yoga ranges from a gentle category for the elderly or ill people to a power professional group.
- Yoga is the ideal supplement for athletes. There is nothing better.
- Forget about these circus acrobats. Yoga is more than just a balancing act, just because you were forced to play ballet as a child and do now the full split or bending over does not proof a good yoga performance.
- And yoga is really not just for women. Men, join in!!!
- And of course, I personally like Tantra-Yoga best.
4 Apr 2019
Bye bye stress
9 May 2018
Breath in - and out!
Life energy is about bringing true healing from within.
When we see the doctors we are prescribed drugs that will relieve the symptoms of the disorder but it does not cure us. Because the reason for being ill is still present. Any true cure involves changes to one’s lifestyle and to how we perceive ourselves, in other words the physical and psychological being.
Each breath we take is life energy which in turn enters our body through meridians energizing major organs and tissues. Any imbalance to the flow of energy will lead to ill health. The Hebrew term “Ruah” comes from “Ruh” meaning to breath the power of manifestation, or energy.
Shakespeare wrote: " O spirit of love, the spirit which heals." When we are healthy we are full of energy, spirit and love.
I truly believe that if we treat ourselves holistically, that we will become whole again and live our lives as they were meant to be.
24 Feb 2010
Wissenswertes über Yoga
Yoga wird seltsamerweise immer irgendwie verklärt. Dabei ist Yoga einfach und allein das allumfassende System für Körper und Geist.
Gut zu wissen:
1. Es gibt deart viele Yoga Stile, da ist für jeden was dabei. Von sanfter Frauengruppe bis zur Power-Frauengruppe. Von Entsagung bis zu Nackt-Yoga.
2. Yoga ist die ideale Ergänzung für Athleten. Es gibt nichts besseres.
3. Vergiß diese Zirkusakrobaten. Yoga ist mehr als nur den Spagat hinkriegen, nur weil man als Kind zum Ballett gezwungen wurde.
4. Und Yoga ist wirklich nur für Frauen. Männer, macht mit!
5. Und natürlich am besten finde ich persönlich TerLiMa-Yoga. Sehr verwandt mit dem Tantra Yoga.
3 Jun 2009
Zwei Beine zum Laufen
Es muß ja nicht gleich die Marathon Distanz sein. Der Weg ist auch beim Laufen wichtiger als das Ziel. So wie der Dichter und Denker Goethe sagte: "Reisen um des Reisens willen". Und wer ersteinmal begonnen hat, dem fällt es dann schon beim nächsten Schritt leichter. Ehrlich gesagt, meist überkommt mich auch dieses Tier, innerer Schweinehund genannt, am Anfang. Und das trotz einiger schon abgewetzter Laufschuhe. Es ist der Anfang, das Hochkommen mit dem A....., das ist es. Der Mensch ist leider so gestrickt, daß er gerne den leichtesten Weg einschlägt. Warum soll ich laufen, wenn ich auch mit dem Auto fahren kann?
Wer regelmäßig läuft hat nicht nur mehr vom Leben. Er/sie ist auch allgemein gesünder, schläft besser, ist entspannter, sieht auch einfach besser aus, weil die frische Luft einen positiven Einfluß auf die Haut hat.
Foto: Marathon Berlin 1992
19 May 2009
Von der Atmung
Du kannst Entspannungsatmung nahezu überall praktizieren. Wenn du sitzt, achte auf einen geraden Rücken und klemme nicht deinen Bauch ein. Ich übe meine Atmung immer am Morgen, schon vor der Meditation. Oder auch mal abends, wenn ich schon im Bett liege. Das führt dann meist leicht über in den Schlaf. Von Übungen solcher Art als Selbstfahrer im Auto rate ich dringend ab. Tiefe Atmung wirkt zu entspannend und kann das Fahrverhalten in negativer Weise beeinflussen.