Showing posts with label Wisdom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wisdom. Show all posts

2 Sept 2023

What will your lifespan be like?


At present we look at a lifespan of about 70-90 years, if someone is lucky to get there and depending on personal living situation, genetics, location, life circumstances etc.

If we pick the good case you become 80 years old, you have lived 29,200 days by than. Funny how many hours might you have spent on doing ordinary stuff like washing up, shaving, or even sleeping?

Did you use your life time responsible, happy and worth living?

Not all of us can say so. Plans been made and never got there. Illness and the normal deterioration as we age kicked in.

Youth might have wasted time when young, as many people in their later years remark how short it all seems and how fast time flew by!

Time is perhaps the most precious resource of all, but many people only understand that when its too late.

Go and make the most of the day! 



Life crumbles away just like a cliff at the beach

11 Jul 2023

Grand master Horst D. Lindenau promotes longevity and martial arts

 Grand master Horst D. Lindenau combines anti-ageing longevity with the martial arts. "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act, but a habit."

16 Jun 2023

The journey is more important than the destination

The journey is more important than the destination. The goal is our path!

My father always used to  say "when I retire ... then I can do this and that ...". Well, unfortunately, this wishful thinking could not be implemented with him. Advanced diabetes has largely taken away his sight and thus his love, talent, skill and diligence in painting was suddenly stopped. And that pretty much at the same time as the pension notice. What a sad turning point. What does this teach us? 

 Do it! And do it now!


20 Feb 2023

A mental review. Allways a good idea

Don't just tidy up the kitchen or garage. 
Sometimes it needs your own self, which deserves a clean up.
Here are some ideas for the "big cleaning" in between.

1. Throw anger and any pent-up hatred overboard. Away with jealousy.
2. Think through your frustrations.
3. Improve your communication with those close to you.
4. End the "procrastination".
5. Avoid gossip and lies.
6. Enrich yourself with a little more humour and lightness.
7. Give more than you take.
8. Open yourself to new things and fresh ideas.
9. Don't just think healthy, try to implement it.

Here I want to leave it at that. And if you only want to implement a few of them, it will be helpful.

8 Jan 2021

Have a good discipline

Easy to say "you need better discipline". 

But how to get the discipline I need?

Well, I recognised, the main precondition for real discipline is to have a strong purpose. 
A very strong purpose which is truly on your mind. 
And you are after it. You want it!

When I tested this idea first on myself, I was so convinced that I recommended it to friends and clients.
And guess what? It works! Everybody who commits to a personal strong goal 
finds it very easy to be disciplined.

Yes, it is that easy!

23 Aug 2020

These three levels are very important


Our life comprises three levels, the body, the spirit and the soul.

  None of the three levels is better or more sacred than the others, they are all equally important and none of these three levels are perfect unless all three are perfect. It is neither right nor noble to live only for the soul and to deny the body and the spirit. And it is just as wrong to only live for the spirit and to deny the body or the soul.

15 Jun 2020

Half a cup of tar in a smokers lung

Anyone who walks in a cafe without a care and orders a "coffee" is given a choice: cappuccino, latte, caffeine-free, espresso ... forgot something else?
But if you smoke with your coffee, then you drink another special cup. The cup of tar. There is so much tar in an average smoking lung, if you wanted to store it at home in the closet, the health department would show up.

26 Dec 2019

Club 115 believes in daily action

Longevity at Club 115 is not a matter of a certain life span. How old someone might become or not. What matters is the anti-aging spirit in daily life. The daily approach for well being, happiness and leading a good full life is more important than to add another year on the calendar.

The motto should be >>>   Daily for future  

15 Nov 2019

After rain comes sunshine

Everyone knows that. All seems to be going well there, life is only seen through pink and red glasses and suddenly, often without warning, fate turns into misfortune. No one should believe that he or she has leased the fortune, as the vernacular says so aptly. And yet, there seems to be a difference, considering the individual different people. There are some that stand out from the general vale of tears and they always seem a bit better off than the masses. On the other hand, some fall on, which seems to be the bad luck in the cradle.

I believe that has also a lot to do with positive and negative. Those with a lot of negative always see everything black first, always doubting and viewing the world around them as hostile terrain. Her negative attitude to life does not allow their fate to often show the good side. On the other hand, whoever possesses much positive, a positive attitude towards life, will often have what is generally called happiness. Because luck is generated and not won as usually suspected in the lottery.
And if fate also serves the one with the positive attitude to life, then it is always good to know, after rain comes again sun.

Photo: Oil Painting, The red lake, P. and H. Kuchta, 1976

19 Apr 2019

Sleep better tonight

65 % of American adults do not get eight hours of sleep at night, about 70 million suffer from insomnia, and according to the National Sleep Foundation, nearly seven out of ten report frequent sleeping problems* …so far the statistics…

There is a link of sleep disorders and sleep deprivation to a host of ills, including an increased risk of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, depression, heart attack, and stroke.
You should know that our daily dose of shut-eye regulates the weight, strengthens our immunity, protects our cardiovascular health, repairs our tissues and cells, and restores our energy.
Go to bed now!

12 Apr 2019

Worth knowing about yoga

Strangely enough, yoga is always somehow transfigured. Yoga is simple and alone the all-encompassing system for body and mind.

Good to know >>>

  • There are many yoga styles in, there is something for everyone. Yoga ranges from a gentle category for the elderly or ill people to a power professional group.
  • Yoga is the ideal supplement for athletes. There is nothing better.
  • Forget about these circus acrobats. Yoga is more than just a balancing act, just because you were forced to play ballet as a child and do now the full split or bending over does not proof a good yoga performance.
  • And yoga is really not just for women. Men, join in!!!
  • And of course, I personally like Tantra-Yoga best.

7 Apr 2019

Flank change

It's been 20 years now I was in a conflict regarding a journey. Actually, I wanted to go to Germany, but somehow I felt more, it should be London instead. And I could not make up my mind.

A good friend then gave me the crucial idea. “Go to Scotland!” he said. Scotland? I would not have thought about that in my dreams. For too many days I had been thinking about the advantages and disadvantages of visiting London compared to visit Germany.

But that's how life is very often. There are supposedly only two ways out. Either the train turns left or right. OK, that may be true and better in case of a train the train, but we can also look for a third choice. Scotland.
Make a decision. Left, right for the train. You have more options.

4 Apr 2019

Bye bye stress

Stress takes a toll on your body
Everyone at some point feels the effects of stress and many don’t know how to deal with it. I am not talking about the positive stress. No, just the negative one which is far more known as “stress” is a problem. 

To escape this stress by using alcohol, smoking or taking drugs makes matters worse and causing even more problems. Stress becomes a negative factor when a person faces continuous challenges without any time mixed in for relief of it. As a result, people become overworked and stress-related anxiety and illness shows. Stress causes people to breathe harder and usually the wrong way. 

And good breathing is essential for good (long) living. People who are stressed eat much more than usual. Sometimes they will eat much less. When you’re stressed, the brain sends alert sensations to the stomach. Your stomach can react with nausea or pain. Severe stress can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, or constipation. 

If this stress becomes chronic, you can develop ulcers. The best thing to do is learn to manage stress. You won’t avoid stress entirely, but it is possible to minimise the effects by eating healthy, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and taking care of yourself in general. And watch the breathing!
No stress > longevity!

2 Apr 2019

Everything has an end

Decay is inherent in all compounded things.
Strive on, with diligence.

19 Mar 2019

Most illnesses are not only an individual problem

As a result of the today's deformation of society as a whole I like to say that illness is not just an individual problem.

Don't take me wrong, as you know me, I am not looking here for an easy excuse. Too many people would like the easy route and just blame others or even the whole world, the time we live in, the genes, the weather...

No, no, unless something is done about the deformed world that we live in and unless we can sort that problem, unless that more people will suffer.

You for yourself shall start today:

A healthy spirit most comfortable resides in a healthy body! 

We know that. Than act accordingly!
Your boat (body) needs to be fit for the voyage.

1 Mar 2019

Are you an indoor or outdoor type?

The most important factors
to recover and well being are daylight
and fresh air.

Therefore, the call to everyone:

Get out as much as possible

and spend more time outdoors than indoors.

This is the way to good health.

Live during daylight and sleep in the dark.
Go for a walk and think about life.

11 Feb 2019

Water. Water. And again water.

Water is the most important commodity for life

It's a fact > Water shortage indifferent areas of your body will manifest varying symptoms, signal and complications labelled DISEASES.

It's a fact > Chronic dehydration of the body is like any other deficiency disorder. Vitamin deficiency, iron or even sunlight deficiency.

It's a fact > What you drink all day, coffee, tea, lemonades or even alcohol does not feed your body with the water so much needed.

Go and have a glass of water now!


And for an emergency it is always no.1 priority to have sufficient water supply

8 Feb 2019

Long life comes with good health

Healthy body - healthy mind - healthy you

30 Sept 2018

Choose the people around you for your needs

Life is not only a one man show. You need to have people around you, they are good for you. Be ruthless and disconnect from those they don't want you to be happy and succeed.