Showing posts with label Time. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Time. Show all posts

2 Dec 2024

Grow old with Club 115


How old are you? 

18? Gives you another 97 years to live.

45? Gives you another 70 years to live.

75? Gives you another 40 years to live.

The aim is to become 115 years old. In good and healthy condition. 

Not possible? 

You have to believe me and you have to do action. Bring order in your daily life and plan ahead.

Happy birthday!

14 Oct 2023

Why you want to grow old in the first place?


You born - live a life - you die. That's the circle. The average time counted in years is about 85 in western societies nowadays. In days that means 31000 days (yes, one day of it is over soon). But what does it mean for longevity? How does it matter if you extend this time by five years? 25 years?

What i want to say is, live NOW!

2 Sept 2023

What will your lifespan be like?


At present we look at a lifespan of about 70-90 years, if someone is lucky to get there and depending on personal living situation, genetics, location, life circumstances etc.

If we pick the good case you become 80 years old, you have lived 29,200 days by than. Funny how many hours might you have spent on doing ordinary stuff like washing up, shaving, or even sleeping?

Did you use your life time responsible, happy and worth living?

Not all of us can say so. Plans been made and never got there. Illness and the normal deterioration as we age kicked in.

Youth might have wasted time when young, as many people in their later years remark how short it all seems and how fast time flew by!

Time is perhaps the most precious resource of all, but many people only understand that when its too late.

Go and make the most of the day! 



Life crumbles away just like a cliff at the beach

8 Aug 2023

The influence of the moon

The influence of the moon on people can be seen and felt most clearly when there is a full moon. In terms of strength, the same influences apply at the time of the new moon, but the big difference lies in the lunar disk, which is so clearly visible when the sky is clear.


Tonight there is a full moon over Dorset again and that can mean that the tides are a little more extreme, some are unable to sleep, more births, but also more violence, plants are now particularly sensitive to changes, increased sex drive, drug and alcohol consumption is increasing, and the like much more.  


We recommend the book “The Influence of the Moon on Man”, by Horst Lindenau, 2001.

Photo: Full moon Dorset, 2020

26 Jun 2023

How much time left?

If anything can be equated with "God" to me, then it's time. Time is a quantity, if we measure it with our conventional tools, then time is relatively manageable and you can "calculate" with it.

Everyone divides their time personally. It usually depends on day or night, working life, special events such as birthdays or appointments in general. Everyone is born, then the time that we call our own life begins to run out.

There are few exceptions and people live to be over 100 years old. 80 years is possible in some industrialized nations, while in parts of the Third World people sometimes only live to 35 years. In Germany, the average is around 75 years. But a few years more or less in statistics doesn't matter. What is far more important is how you deal with your own lifetime.

Let's say if you're 47 today, do you have a plan, an idea of what should happen until you reach the statistically end?

I think every year that we are allowed to live in health and contentment is worth being watched closely and cared for. We should never be careless with our remaining time. Here at Club 115 we count the lifetime in hours instead of years. I myself only have 390144 hours left. Then it's over and something "different" begins. Publishing this post took 1/2 hour of my life.


16 Jun 2023

The journey is more important than the destination

The journey is more important than the destination. The goal is our path!

My father always used to  say "when I retire ... then I can do this and that ...". Well, unfortunately, this wishful thinking could not be implemented with him. Advanced diabetes has largely taken away his sight and thus his love, talent, skill and diligence in painting was suddenly stopped. And that pretty much at the same time as the pension notice. What a sad turning point. What does this teach us? 

 Do it! And do it now!


9 Feb 2020

This is your real age

You really are as old or as young as you look and feel. 

20 Jan 2020

The value of time - Your time!

Can you see the value of time? Ok, you probably think of an hourly rate like payment or your  monthly  wages. This is unfortunately the very limited view most people have on time when it comes to the value of it.

As you know already, time can pass by very quickly, usually those we rate as positive and happy moments and it can be dreadful long because one suffers or cant await something wanted to happen.

Let me tell you one thing. Time is useless. It always lies in the eye of the beholder, the way you look at it.

Although we at Club 115 aim to live up to 115 years and that goal may give some of us plenty of time it is still the present time we have to value. Don't waste any of it! Don't allow anybody to waste YOUR time either!

26 Dec 2019

Club 115 believes in daily action

Longevity at Club 115 is not a matter of a certain life span. How old someone might become or not. What matters is the anti-aging spirit in daily life. The daily approach for well being, happiness and leading a good full life is more important than to add another year on the calendar.

The motto should be >>>   Daily for future  

15 Dec 2019

Life of a ninety years time and we want to live beyond that!

This graphic from "" shows in a very clear way how ones life unfolds when the life span is just 90 years. Print it out and make a dot where you are now!

PS. I guess they have more graphs on their web page on this subject.

28 Jul 2019

Club 115 can give you the most wanted

What goes up and never down? It is your age.

As time goes by you get older and "your" time runs out.
Day by day.

Wouldn't it be great to add some time to your life?
Yes it would!

But how?
Join Club 115 and you will get what you most wanted.


2 Apr 2019

Everything has an end

Decay is inherent in all compounded things.
Strive on, with diligence.

5 Apr 2013

Plant a tree

This oak tree is grown from a single acorn. To grow and prosper!

31 Oct 2010

Du bist ein schöpferrisches Wesen und du bist immer unabhängig.
Du mußt dir dessen nur klar und bewußt sein.
Du mußt es wollen und akzeptieren. Sei froh du zu sein.
Und dann träumst du täglich von deinen unendlichen Möglichkeiten.
Greif nach diesem Leben. Es gibt kein zweites, kein besseres.

Foto: Corfe castle mit altem Friedhof, Dorset, UK, 2007

28 Jun 2010

Das Leben ist kurz

Hallo liebe Terlima Freunde,

ich hoffe ihr geniesst alle diesen herrlichen Sommer, mit viel Frischluftaktivitäten und Spass. Ich war gestern auf einer typisch englischen Gartenparty. Ein wunderbares altes Landhaus, mitten in prächtiger Natur an einem kleinen Flusslauf. Besser geht's bald nicht. In einer Ecke des Hauses fand ich das nebenstehende kleine Schild, was ich euch nicht vorenthalten möchte. Auf deutsch sagt es etwa: Das Leben ist kurz - mach auch mal was illegales.

2 Feb 2010

Kinder wie die Zeit vergeht

Ich weiss nicht wie es euch ergeht, aber mir rinnt die Zeit scheinbar zwischen den Fingern durch. Grade haben wir noch unterm Tannenbaum gesessen, die Raketen in den Neujahrshimmel geschossen und heute ist schon wieder Februar und der Fruehling steht an. Auch wenn in einigen Teilen des Landes noch der Winter regiert ;-)

Ich habe mal geschrieben, Zeit ist Gott. Und das ist wirklich mein Gefuehl gegenueber der Zeit. Alles haengt mit ihr zusammen, alles kommt und geht. Zeit ist das groesste Raetsel, fuer mich.

Ich moechte heute alle Leser von terlima-news ermuntern, ja auffordern, nutzt eure Zeit! Nutzt eure Lebens"zeit" gut und sinnvoll. Tut das was fuer euch richtig ist. Carpe diem! In diesem Sinne, eine schoene Zeit weiterhin.

25 Nov 2009

Ich habe keine Zeit

Lesen Sie doch einmal diese kleine Geschichte. Vielleicht kommt ja irgend etwas bekannt vor.

Ein Mann wandert durch den Wald und begegnet dabei einem Forstarbeiter, welcher hastig und mühselig damit beschäftigt ist, einen vorher gefällten Baum in kleinere Teile zu zersägen. Der Wanderer tritt näher heran, um zu sehen weshalb der Waldarbeiter sich so heftig abmüht und sagt dann: Entschuldigen Sie, aber mir ist da etwas aufgefallen. Ihre Säge ist ja total stumpf. Wollen Sie diese nicht einmal schärfen?
Darauf stöhnt der Waldarbeiter erschöpft auf und antwortet: Dafür habe ich keine Zeit. Ich muß sägen!