Showing posts with label Water. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Water. Show all posts

4 Apr 2024

Drink water and reach 115 years of age (2nd post on water intake)


Ways to drink more water every day

You can start drinking water only. But this would be a bit drastic and not realistic. We all like our coffee, wine and fruit juices. So, one way to increase and control your water intake could be by placing glasses of water next to you. Kitchen, dining table, work desk etc. No?

You right, that’s unpractical. You can start writing it down and make a tick list. I give this a no too.

What I established and it works fine with me.

I use little glass pearls. Start with 11 in one small bowl and place them over the day in two others. I place one in the water bowl when drinking a glass of water and one in the bowl for any other drink I have. Works perfect! At the end of the day I add the result in a list and this way I can see exactly what my water consumption counts back the month and years.

14 Mar 2024

Drink water and reach 115 years of age (Information no 1 about water)


Water is the most important intake after air. If you drink too little of it, the body is just not working well enough for what it is designed.

The world’s surface is made of 71 % water and so is the human body. And probably the universe is the same. We just don’t know. What we know is the fact, if you ignore the water consumption, you won’t make it with us to 115 years lifespan.

Benefits of drinking enough water:

  • Join all those people they want to expand life span to 115 years with Club 115 Ltd.

  • Feel instant better and healthier

  • Water is the cheapest you can drink

  • Your body works well, especially organs and your brain gets help to function

  • The skin looks fine and produces less wrinkles

  • Research at Club 115 Ltd. has found that even varicose veins benefit from water

  • Sleep gets better

18 Apr 2022

Drink a fine amount of water. Daily!


The kidneys are very sensitive to your blood circulation

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t necessarily need to down 6 pints of water to keep your kidneys working well. Even with just 4 to 6 small glasses of water a day, your kidneys are probably fine. But sticking with just a cup or 2 a day could challenge the organ. Not only will you not have enough water flushing out your system to keep your sodium levels in check, but a dehydrated body will have a harder time keeping its blood pressure up.

The kidneys dont like it being dehydrated. This can cause that your blood pressure drops and the blood flow to your kidneys drops too, which makes them not well functioning.

 You don’t need to worry about that level of dehydration every day, just make sure you drink enough water if you are exercising a lot or outside on a hot day. Sure you want a bit more than.

 Water - river - healthiness

15 Feb 2021

Water is considered the first principle for health


Many illnesses are caused to the lack of drinking water. Enough water! We give the plants and the animals enough water and the same the human needs lot of it. About 70 percent of our physical body consits of water. And so does mother earth. About 70 percent of the earths surface is covered by water. And I personal believe the universe itself is made of 70 percent of water too. where is no water, or not enough life cannot prosper. 

What does water do? In our body it clears the system of all the waste which comes continously inside the body, with food, influence from the enviroment and if not dischareged by drinking enough water, the body builds up germs, microbes, spores and bacteria. Water too regulates the temperature inside the body. 

A normal adult excretes about one and a half  to two pints of water daily. Water is exhaled through the lungs too and the urine system discharges another maybe three pints within 24 hours. If these amounts are not proper replaced by water intake, the body will suffer badly over the time and various illnesses will acure.

Therefor, drink plenty of water. If you live in an area with good public water supply, the usual tap water is just fine. Be aware with boittled water, often it contains too much minerals, salts etc. or even is just tap water from a different place.

30 Jun 2020

The moon influences your daily life

The moon is similar like a clock for life on earth. Just like in the oceans, (ships go up and down with the tides) there is ebb and flow in the human body. Water flows through the cells in strict dependence on the moon. This is particularly strong in times of new and full moon.

The effect of the moon is not only technically visible at the sea due to the tides, but also on trees. Invisible to the eye, but technically flawlessly measurable, trees swell up and down strictly in the rhythm of the moon phases.

And just like the cells in the trees, our body cells also react. The moon affects our body's water balance. If people complain of sleeping difficulty during a full moon phase, it is not because it may be too bright. No, it is the water balance in the body that is influenced by the position of the moon.

Police and taxi drivers regularly report above-average alcohol excesses during the full moon, midwives have more to do and mosquitoes bite faster. What has unfortunately not been sufficiently researched is the answer to how we can make the moon phases practically usable. Apart from a few esoteric approaches, research here is still very thin.

28 Mar 2019

Turn water into wine

It is well known that expectations of a malady can be as dangerous as a virus. In the same way that shamans could harm their victims through the power of suggestion, priming someone to think they are ill can often produce the actual symptoms of a disease. Vomiting, dizziness, headaches, and even death, could be triggered through belief alone. It is called the “No-cebo effect”.

In the same way thoughts can influence any object and even a thought itself. This is a very important step, to understand longevity and use the mind as a tool in anti-aging. Master Horst D. Lindenau has performed this experiment, which is truly mind blowing.

Three glasses were filled with organic rice and pure water from a well. All three glasses were then placed in the same condition in one room and treated over a period with very different mind patterns. The outcome is astonishing. As in one jar the rice started growing in another one the water turned into mould.

15 Jun 2018

Go and look out to the sea

Over 70% of the earths surface is covered by our oceans. It is not a coincidence, that our body consists too of 70 % of water. If you want to recognise yourself and learn about life go and spend time at the sea. Master Horst D. Lindenau is a former navy captain and has sailed the seven seas. This is the most intensive experience with life.