17 Oct 2017

How old are you?

Photo: From US TV Yoga broadcast, 66 year old

Born on 12.12.83, so I am...? Funny, I feel really older today.
No, I do not think so now. You look really younger.
You do not ask a woman about age.
If I'm a pensioner, then ...
The age which certifies the birth certificate unfortunately does not coincide in most cases with the age, which looks at us at morning in the mirror image. When I'm 30, what do I look like? How old will I get? No, I do not want to be like my mother as old at the retirement home. Nothing is as old as trying to be young. Age before beauty. Why does age matter at all?
TerLiMa yoga is anti-aging. You do not have to run around like a fossil and have just passed the 40. Do yoga, eat half! Think young, go out and communicate with the world. Be active yourself.


11 Oct 2017

Empty benches

Again and again I meet on my jogging tours or while walking these empty park benches. Even in the most beautiful sunshine, there are hardly any people who accept this wonderful offer and sit on a free bench. Free, calm and relaxed sitting in the sun, maybe a little chat with others. But that has to do with a corresponding culture. Once I was in St. Petersburg and there people sit at the smallest sunbeam around on the many benches. Do it like the Petersburger: out and sit on the benches!

Get rid of these extra pounds!

Photo: TerLiMa lunch, carrots and apple, 2017

Those who carry too many kilos with them are not only living dangerous towards themselves. I say he / she lives quite exhausting. Just imagine, you always have to carry two buckets of water with you. Every day, everywhere, that's 20 kg.

And that extra weight an obese person carries around, if not more! The only way to get away from it is to be consistent. Good bye fast food! Bringing more exercise into everyday life does not necessarily mean degenerating into sports. Every day a good walk is a great start. The easiest way is with TerLiMa weight reduction.