Showing posts with label Diabetes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diabetes. Show all posts

10 Nov 2023

Public enemy no 3

November the 14th is World Diabetes Day. 

 Diabetics know what it means to suffer from this diabolical disease. Not only do they inject insulin every day, their eyesight also deteriorates, their eyes fail at some point, and then their limbs are amputated because the blood supply to the periphery fails. 

Not nice like that. And the worst thing about this disease is that it is self-inflicted in the vast majority of cases. Namely due to lack of exercise in connection with wrong - and overeating. Public Enemy No. 3 says hello on a pretty nice November morning.


16 Jun 2023

The journey is more important than the destination

The journey is more important than the destination. The goal is our path!

My father always used to  say "when I retire ... then I can do this and that ...". Well, unfortunately, this wishful thinking could not be implemented with him. Advanced diabetes has largely taken away his sight and thus his love, talent, skill and diligence in painting was suddenly stopped. And that pretty much at the same time as the pension notice. What a sad turning point. What does this teach us? 

 Do it! And do it now!


26 Jun 2022

I m dead

We all have to; want, may, will and can die one day. In this respect we all become the same in death. A big difference is only present when it comes to how die? General desire to go to bed happy and content in the evening when you are very old and to fall asleep gently when you are as old as possible... that would be nice.

 The reality is different. German figures.

1st place: heart failure. The year before last, more than 7 million people (12.9 percent) succumbed to this disease worldwide.

2nd place: Blood clots in the head, also known as a stroke. After all, 6.2 million victims worldwide.

3rd place: Other lower respiratory tract infections kill 3.2 million people. .

4th place: COPD. It sounds harmless, but it is the lung disease that kills 3 million people worldwide every year. Is usually self-inflicted, through smoking.

Place 5: 1.6 million people succumbed to the AIDS virus in 2011. 6th place: According to the WHO, smoking is one of the greatest dangers. terlima-news - Cancer of the lungs and bronchi are therefore the

6th most common cause of death. In total, 1.5 million people died directly from smoking in 2011.

7th place: Diabetes was the cause of death for 1.4 million people worldwide in 2011.

8th place: Traffic accidents are one of the most common causes of death worldwide. 1.3 million people died in road traffic accidents in 2011. Incidentally, a 10% increase in the number of cases in Germany.

30 Sept 2019

Move - move - move!

"How is it that possible I have quietly gained 25 kg since my 20th birthday?

 "And even though I always eat healthy and conscious and even do sports regularly "

Well, that's easy to explain. Today, you're weighing 25 kg more, which means you've only gained about 0.8 kg on average over the past 30 years. And that comes naturally unnoticed. The
clothes size does not change in one fell swoop, no one draws your attention to it, because it is almost unnoticeable.

The reason for such a slow weight gain, despite active membership in the sports club is due to the daily routine. Even if we e.g. being physically challenged at work and even exercising actively once a week, it is not enough to clear the balance between food intake and calorie needs / burns.

Scientists at the US University of Missouri have researched that a predominantly sedentary lifestyle and work style can not be compensated by the occasional walk to the gym or other sports activities.

What's missing are 10,000 steps per day, the scientists say. Accordingly, physical inactivity is the main reason for the development of chronic diseases such as diabetes or obesity.

Therefor >>> out of the TV chair!
Gardening is a very good activity to stay trim and fit

11 Feb 2019

Water. Water. And again water.

Water is the most important commodity for life

It's a fact > Water shortage indifferent areas of your body will manifest varying symptoms, signal and complications labelled DISEASES.

It's a fact > Chronic dehydration of the body is like any other deficiency disorder. Vitamin deficiency, iron or even sunlight deficiency.

It's a fact > What you drink all day, coffee, tea, lemonades or even alcohol does not feed your body with the water so much needed.

Go and have a glass of water now!


And for an emergency it is always no.1 priority to have sufficient water supply

16 May 2018

Sugar sugar - honey honey

No it is not about this famous song. It is about sugar only - no honey this time! Sugar proves to be a stuff when taken in vast amounts like a drug as heroin and so.

Sugar wrecks our health. Causes illness like diabetes type 2 and obesity. Heart disease, cancer and the teeth are suffering too! And sugar is not only this legal drug. It is also cheap, always available and once hooked on to it it is very addictive and difficult to come off it.
Here is a good information about this stuff. Very interesting to read with more links to get deeper into it. Enjoy!

8 Dec 2017

Always take two steps at a time

Why is that?
Always take two steps on the stairs when going up. That keeps the witches away (Old English wisdom, about 15th century). If this is difficult to believe today by modern standards, just try it. You will be definitely fit, with or without a witch.

7 Feb 2015

An apple a day...

... an apple a day, keeps the doctor away. That's what we say here.
Apples and carrots - very tasty. And healthy too.

It is not all and only about eating an apple. One reason why some people get into misery is, because they don't even know anymore what an apple is. How and where it grows, how to eat it and how good it is for well being and staying trim and slim. 

Only in my little English coast town, I could count just on a hour walk about 10 places, where people have got apple trees in their gardens, but these apples never get picked. That indicates a sickness which goes deeper than diabetes, cancer and heart trouble. That is a disease of the brain.

But it is not all about apples. In Japan the say... a plum a day, keeps the doctor away...

20 Jan 2015

Diabetes on the rise

Empty prosthetic. The leg amputated because of diabetic.

A message in an English newspaper

"1 in 7 patients in our hospitals suffers from diabetes. It is predicted that the
future treatment of this disease will cost more than 10 billion pounds."

TerLiMa-news reported two years ago that in the future, patients in hospitals will suffer from three diseases. Cardiovascular, diabetes and obesity. Well, on top of that there might be the odd cases of senile dementia and /or cancer. Not good prospects. And future means in the year 2023.

30 Nov 2009

Diabetes meets Übergewicht

In der Bundesrepublik sind 12 % der 20- bis 79-Jährigen an Diabetes Typ 1 oder Typ 2 erkrankt. Damit ist der Anteil der erkrankten Bevölkerung bei uns höher als in allen anderen europäischen Ländern. Z.B. In Frankreich, Italien oder Spanien leiden weniger als 10 % in dieser Altergruppe an Diabetes. Kein wunder, geht Diabetes doch Hand in Hand mit Übergewicht. Und da ist Deutschland auch Meister.

23 Jul 2009

Dicke haben oft Probleme

"Dicke haben oft Probleme", pflegte ein ehemaliger Lehrer von mir zu sagen. Australische Forscher stimmen dem nun zu, indem sie einen Zusammenhang zwischen Übergewicht und Diabetes feststellen.
Also, besser schlank sein.

27 Jun 2009

Krank auf Rezept

Da geht im Moment eine Meldung durch die Medien, ein Insulinpräparat, allein in Deutschland von ca. 500.000 Diabetikern benutzt, verursacht als unschönen Nebeneffekt mal eben Krebs. Auf Spiegel online liest es sich ziemlich gruselig.,1518,632904,00.html
Tatsache ist, die 500.000 Diabetiker werden schon allein an ihrer ersten Krankheit genug leiden und da machen 3.500 Krebsfälle mehr im Jahr "den Kohl auch nicht mehr fett". Tatsache ist aber auch, daß die nun Krebsverdächtigen Insulinmittel vom Arzt verordnet werden.
Liegestütz heute: 50

24 Jan 2009

Staatsfeind Nr. 3

Die selbst verursachte Diabetes ist für mich Staatsfeind Nr.3
Dabei ist es so einfach, nicht an dieser heimtükischen wie dramatischen Krankheit zu leiden.
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Leichte Freizeitaktivitäten wie Spazierengehen und Fahrradfahren sollten Menschen auch im fortgeschrittenen Alter – soweit es der allgemeine Gesundheitszustand erlaubt –regelmäßig Sport und Bewegung, bis ins hohe Alter, soweit und wie es möglich ist.