5 Apr 2015

A Koan for the weekend

What is the difference between watching sports and doing sports?


1 Apr 2015

And now again my favourite subject

88 reasons not to smoke / by Horst D. Lindenau
Please pick 10 of these, note the no’s and come back to me with the result and we go from there.

1. Smoking is stupid.
2. Smoking makes you stupid.
3. Smoking is expensive.
4. Smoking stinks.
5. Smoking harms the environment.
6. Smoking makes you lonely.
7. Smoking shortens the healthy life.
8. Smoking is out.
9. Smoking causes malformations.
10. Smoking makes you impotent.
11. Smoking is antisocial.
12. Smoking makes you sick.
13. Smoking is an addiction.
14. Smoking is the biggest indoor pollution.
15. Smoking is a sign of character weakness.
16. Smoking is performance-reducing.
17. Smoking blinds you.
18. Smoking reduces work performance.
19. Smoking causes accidents.
20. Smoking causes fires.
21. Smoking contaminates/pollutes the environment.
22. Smoking causes deforestation of rain forests.
23. Smoking exploits the 3rd world.
24. Smoking harms the welfare state.
25. Smoking causes high overhead costs.
26. Smoking reduces chances of healing in diseases.
27. Smoking complicates operations.
28. Smoking damages the circulation.
29. Smoking promotes heart attack risk.
30. Smoking leads to early disability.
31. Smoking causes increased incapacity to work.
32. Smoking causes unnecessary costs in businesses.
33. Smoking is just disgusting.
34. Smoking is always an entry-level drug to other drugs.
35. Smoking brings us much corruption in politics.
36. Smoking is absolutely superfluous.
37. Smoking is based on a myriad of lies.
38. Smoking creates family misery.
39. Smoking causes higher energy costs.
40. Smoking is based on a clever advertising campaign.
41. Smoking does not make you slim.
42. Smoking tips the health system.
43. Smoking damages the gastric mucous.
44. Smoking makes ugly.
45. Smoking is intolerant.
46. ​​Smoking is childish.
47. Smoking is toxic.
48. Smoking amputates the legs.
49. Smoking takes you to the cancer ward.
50. Smoking is not available in light version.
51. Smoking is difficult to get rid of.
52. Smoking has nothing to do with emancipation.
53. Smoking does not increase the quality of life.
55. Smoking restricts personal freedom.
56. Smoking is the cause of hunger in the world.
57. Smoking and kissing are bad matches.
58. Smoking causes colds.
59. Smoking makes good food taste worse.
60. Smoking causes lung cancer.
61. Smoking reduces the sense of smell.
62. Smoking is unnatural.
63. Smoking after eating makes absolutely no sense.
64. Smoking after sex is impotence.
65. Smoking does not calm the nerves.
66. Smoking does not relax.
67. Smoking costs time.
68. Smoking is cause of death No.1.
69. Smoking makes you unfit.
70. Smoking and youth role model are mutually exclusive.
71. Smoking causes stress.
72. Smoking is a minority problem.
73. Smoking is a sure-fire business.
74. Smoking is child-hostile.
75. Smoking has nothing to do with adventure and freedom.
76. Smoking makes people lonely.
77. Smoking contaminates drinking water.
78. Smoking makes curtains yellow.
79. Smoking does not create jobs.
80. Smoking is more dangerous for women than for men.
81. Smoking does not look good.
82. Smoking means indicate.
83. Smoking is 100 x more dangerous than asbestos.
84. Smoking is 1000 x more dangerous than BSE.
85. Smoking causes traffic accidents.
86. Smoking causes apartment fires.
87. Smoking is bodily harm.
88. I repeat myself: smoking is just stupid.

Footnote: Only in Germany alone more than 100.000 legs are amputated a year due to smoking * I am well aware that this is NOT a reason for a smoker to stop smoking

21 Mar 2015

It is television

Watching too much television will shorten your life

Six hours television a day will shorten your life by five years. With this fact television is playing in the same league than smoking or obesity. This is the result of a clinical study in Australia 2012. Australians watch on average two hours TV a day, while British people spend an hour more and do three hour. And you?

Sitting, too little exercise (movements) is strong connected to a higher risk of suffering of the common diseases, especially coronary illnesses. That's what I always said. If you want to grow in your personality and live not only longer but better, you have to destroy your TV!

Critics will say now, who cares? Better live shorter and have fun in life, than end up in an old peoples place worse of than battery chicken. But this is the wrong idea of getting old and being healthy. The aim should be, as long you are alive, body and mind should be in good condition and function well. Anything else is not worth doing. By the way, I am not blind. To sit in front of the PC does the same than the TV.
Television in German is called "Fernseher". Which means about "look into the distance"
You are better off to look at the real distance, for example on the beach. 

15 Feb 2015

The ashtray becomes a part of you

For a smoker the ashtray becomes a companion over the years. Imagine these 20 cigarettes a day for 25 years. Not good in maths? Well that counts up to about 180.000 and let's assume 5 times per cigarette you snip the ash into the ashtray = roughly 900.000. You nearly a millionaire!

So what do you think, keep the ashtray?

14 Feb 2015

Where are the aliens?

For decades, people search for signals of extraterrestrial civilizations. The Milky Way as we know it so far, has up to 300 billion stars, probably millions of habitable planets, and it is more than 13 billion years old. Quite some facts these are. During this time there were plenty of chances for intelligent aliens to colonize the galaxy. Alone, so far humanity has not heard anything from them.

13 Feb 2015

Friday the 13th

Are you superstitious?
If yes, you better stay in bed today.
But even than, you might need the toilet and slip on the corridor.

Would be nice if 
magic works like this.
But it does't.
Being superstitious has a lot to do with these Fridays the 13th, all these black cats and probably even bent branches in your front garden on a child's birthday.

Forget these things.
How many Fridays the 13th have you survived without any harm so far?
You see?

Magic is more than entertainment. It works.

7 Feb 2015

An apple a day...

... an apple a day, keeps the doctor away. That's what we say here.
Apples and carrots - very tasty. And healthy too.

It is not all and only about eating an apple. One reason why some people get into misery is, because they don't even know anymore what an apple is. How and where it grows, how to eat it and how good it is for well being and staying trim and slim. 

Only in my little English coast town, I could count just on a hour walk about 10 places, where people have got apple trees in their gardens, but these apples never get picked. That indicates a sickness which goes deeper than diabetes, cancer and heart trouble. That is a disease of the brain.

But it is not all about apples. In Japan the say... a plum a day, keeps the doctor away...

29 Jan 2015

Very good news today

It looks like that consumers get the grip. The biggest fast food chain in the world, widely known as Mcdoof in Germany, which mean clearly Mcstupid, has reported its first fall in sales in 12 years.

If the biggest one of the fast food giants goes down with this evil fast food, others will follow soon. It looks like, that there is a trend to the better and healthier food worldwide.

TerLiMa always supported the healthy eating cult and style and is pleased about this message.

Eat healthy - stay healthy! Beat obesity and diabetes and heart diseases with your own strength and weapon. It's your mind!

27 Jan 2015

Just use your own body to improve fitness

If you practice with equipment,like one does in a gym, then you will become especially good at this one move. If you train with your purely own body weight, for example, do one leg squats,or even squats on both legs, you will become strong and supple.

You improve balance and coordination and built up strength. It is therefore good to use what you always have available: just your own body. When you know how to do the right moves, you have your gym in the head.

26 Jan 2015

What is meditation? Like coming home

Symondsbury Zen garden / UK built by Master Horst D. Lindenau 1994
Meditation is a rocky and difficult trail. Meditation requires great discipline and brings us forward on the chosen path.

There is no easy or even royal way among all the various methods of meditation. Each way only requires hard work.

And there is no end of the path and search, no state in which we can say: now I'm at the end.
A good meditation program is similar to a physical exercise program. Both require hard work.

An important part of any kind of meditation is to do one thing at the time.

20 Jan 2015

Diabetes on the rise

Empty prosthetic. The leg amputated because of diabetic.

A message in an English newspaper

"1 in 7 patients in our hospitals suffers from diabetes. It is predicted that the
future treatment of this disease will cost more than 10 billion pounds."

TerLiMa-news reported two years ago that in the future, patients in hospitals will suffer from three diseases. Cardiovascular, diabetes and obesity. Well, on top of that there might be the odd cases of senile dementia and /or cancer. Not good prospects. And future means in the year 2023.

Men with a fat belly

I found these interesting figures.

Men with a flat stomach.

90% do not suffer from gallstones

70% do not develop high blood pressure

50% have no heart disease

17% have a better chance to survive the first heart attack

50% do not have erectile dysfunction

35% do not develop kidney cancer

and even 19% have an increased chance of surviving a car accident

19 Jan 2015


Did you now that?
Children laugh on average 300 times a day. Adults only five.
Maybe this is one way to stay young at heart.

18 Jan 2015

TerLiMa-news is posting now in English

Dear readers,

as I live now in England I have decided to continue the TerLiMa-news in English language. I believe it will be a better value to a wider public and on the other hand, all my German followers can use the translation button or are able to understand English anyway. While it is difficult the other way around, as only little people actually speak German. Welcome and have fun and enjoy the information shared on this blog

See if I can find a nice picture for this first English post...

Stay in touch
 Nice, isn't it?