Showing posts with label Health food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health food. Show all posts

14 Mar 2024

Drink water and reach 115 years of age (Information no 1 about water)


Water is the most important intake after air. If you drink too little of it, the body is just not working well enough for what it is designed.

The world’s surface is made of 71 % water and so is the human body. And probably the universe is the same. We just don’t know. What we know is the fact, if you ignore the water consumption, you won’t make it with us to 115 years lifespan.

Benefits of drinking enough water:

  • Join all those people they want to expand life span to 115 years with Club 115 Ltd.

  • Feel instant better and healthier

  • Water is the cheapest you can drink

  • Your body works well, especially organs and your brain gets help to function

  • The skin looks fine and produces less wrinkles

  • Research at Club 115 Ltd. has found that even varicose veins benefit from water

  • Sleep gets better

16 Jul 2023

Drink more green tea

 Make it a good habit to replace the cups of coffee and black tea by GREEN tea.

13 Apr 2022

Apple day!

Eat one apple a day. Really? An apple a day, keeps the doctor away. In Japan they say that about cherries.

But anyway, apples are good for you and add to longevity. Eating a few apples a week will improve the function of your lungs. Apples contain the antioxidant quercetin, which protects your lungs from the effects caused by smoke and air pollution.

Apples and carrots go well together.

11 Feb 2022

Do you want to look more attractive? Five a day

  People who eat more fruits and vegetables not only look better and healthier, but they are also likely to be healthier, researchers say, because these foods contain antioxidants, which help the body fight infection. British researchers are now proving their theory again, eat five servings of fruit and vegetables a day and you're on the safe side. 

Of course, eating fruit and vegetables is much better than having ready meals and doner kebabs every day. "We all know that we should eat lots of fruit and vegetables, but we don't have enough motivation to actually eat healthy food," says Ross Whitehead, leader of the research team, in the Daily Telegraph.

 "Telling people that if they don't eat healthier they might have a heart attack in 40 years is one thing. But when they say you could look this good in a few months if you ate more fruit and veg, that's more motivating.” 

What I think is exaggerated is the myth of five types/servings a day. This is similar to a 24/7 contract for the gym. The more opportunity, the less often you go. That's what the operators build on, because if all the members came suddenly, there wouldn't be enough space. And five times fruit a day is so high that the thought quickly comes to mind: ‘I can’t do it.’ 

So much fruit and vegetables have to be bought and managed. Then a lot gets thrown away. I swear by the saying: An apple a day, keeps the doctor away". And if you pick the apple yourself, so much the better. What the apple means to the European, the plum means to the Japanese. And the researchers agree on that. Plums and carrots can promote an attractive appearance. 

And the German newspaper Bild says: “Beauty tips against aging. Have sex! It's not only beautiful, it's also the perfect rejuvenation cure, because lots of anti-aging hormones are released."

Photo: Stewed cucumber with plums, my secret recipe

10 Nov 2021

One two three four - you are obese

Every fourth German adult is now overweight. According to a survey by the Robert Koch Institute, 25% of all adults are obese. Obesity, as obesity is called, primarily affects women over the age of 30 and the lower educated classes are well represented. 
(I always say: stupidity eats - intelligence drinks). 
 The increasing number of obesity surgeries such as stomach reduction or the removal of fat aprons also shows the problems caused by being overweight in Germany. Those are the ugly scraps of skin that often remain when a fat person loses weight. According to the Techniker Krankenkasse, the number of surgical procedures nationwide among those insured by the substitute health insurance funds increased by 65 percent from 2009 to 2012. 
Needless to say, diabetes and cardiovascular disease go hand in hand. What I actually think the worst is the high number of overweight children and young people. A time bomb is ticking here, which will probably cause big trouble in the future.

Watch out before you need this

26 Apr 2020

Eat healthy

Live 20 years longer with the right diet.
Researchers are certain that nutrition is the key to a long life. 
Balancing vitamin requirements with tablets does not help.
Eat the right stuff!
And: Don't diet! Since I learned reading there been about 2000 diets in the various magazines, not a single one did the job. Keep that on mind.

30 Sept 2019

Move - move - move!

"How is it that possible I have quietly gained 25 kg since my 20th birthday?

 "And even though I always eat healthy and conscious and even do sports regularly "

Well, that's easy to explain. Today, you're weighing 25 kg more, which means you've only gained about 0.8 kg on average over the past 30 years. And that comes naturally unnoticed. The
clothes size does not change in one fell swoop, no one draws your attention to it, because it is almost unnoticeable.

The reason for such a slow weight gain, despite active membership in the sports club is due to the daily routine. Even if we e.g. being physically challenged at work and even exercising actively once a week, it is not enough to clear the balance between food intake and calorie needs / burns.

Scientists at the US University of Missouri have researched that a predominantly sedentary lifestyle and work style can not be compensated by the occasional walk to the gym or other sports activities.

What's missing are 10,000 steps per day, the scientists say. Accordingly, physical inactivity is the main reason for the development of chronic diseases such as diabetes or obesity.

Therefor >>> out of the TV chair!
Gardening is a very good activity to stay trim and fit

12 May 2019

The food you eat - enjoy!

The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful medicine.
Or the slowest form of poison you take.

11 Feb 2019

Water. Water. And again water.

Water is the most important commodity for life

It's a fact > Water shortage indifferent areas of your body will manifest varying symptoms, signal and complications labelled DISEASES.

It's a fact > Chronic dehydration of the body is like any other deficiency disorder. Vitamin deficiency, iron or even sunlight deficiency.

It's a fact > What you drink all day, coffee, tea, lemonades or even alcohol does not feed your body with the water so much needed.

Go and have a glass of water now!


And for an emergency it is always no.1 priority to have sufficient water supply

24 Jan 2019


The basic principle of nutrition, from the TerLiMa perspective,
 is to eat small quantities of high quality foods. The high quality foods are those which promote the life force of the body without producing toxins. The recommended foods are vegetables, fruits, whole grains and nuts. Fish and meats can be added in moderation. Club 115 principles of nutrition are very similar to what science has discovered in more recent times. And of course, you should eat what makes you happy.

Healthy food = healthy you !

6 Jul 2018

You are what you eat

Just that simple. Good health > good mood > good life has one major key and that is called good food. What you eat - you are!

Although a well trained man who has mastered the Yoga and wisdom of life is able to eat nearly anything without damage to his body, these choices should be kept for the moments when good food is rare or totally unavailable.

16 May 2018

Sugar sugar - honey honey

No it is not about this famous song. It is about sugar only - no honey this time! Sugar proves to be a stuff when taken in vast amounts like a drug as heroin and so.

Sugar wrecks our health. Causes illness like diabetes type 2 and obesity. Heart disease, cancer and the teeth are suffering too! And sugar is not only this legal drug. It is also cheap, always available and once hooked on to it it is very addictive and difficult to come off it.
Here is a good information about this stuff. Very interesting to read with more links to get deeper into it. Enjoy!

3 Apr 2018

Three quick fix for longevity from TerLiMa

1. Get enough sleep of good quality
Sleep quality is huge important. If you’re not regularly sleeping your personal required hours per night, your body does not have time to repair. The amount of sleep has to be individual found. If you waking up tired even after sufficient hours of sleep, than there is a problem with your sleep quality. Low melatonin production (sleep in the dark!), sleep apnoea and easily corrected factors like too much alcohol or caffeine can be the reason.

2. Eat well
This is simple. Eat lots of fresh vegetables and fruits especially no processed foods. Home-cooked meals keep you lively.

3. Stay always active
As you age it takes much more effort to maintain muscle mass and muscle tone. Therefore you need to exercise often. One caution though is to be gentle with your joints. If any sport causes hip and knee pain, consider a different one.

11 Oct 2017

Get rid of these extra pounds!

Photo: TerLiMa lunch, carrots and apple, 2017

Those who carry too many kilos with them are not only living dangerous towards themselves. I say he / she lives quite exhausting. Just imagine, you always have to carry two buckets of water with you. Every day, everywhere, that's 20 kg.

And that extra weight an obese person carries around, if not more! The only way to get away from it is to be consistent. Good bye fast food! Bringing more exercise into everyday life does not necessarily mean degenerating into sports. Every day a good walk is a great start. The easiest way is with TerLiMa weight reduction.


7 Feb 2015

An apple a day...

... an apple a day, keeps the doctor away. That's what we say here.
Apples and carrots - very tasty. And healthy too.

It is not all and only about eating an apple. One reason why some people get into misery is, because they don't even know anymore what an apple is. How and where it grows, how to eat it and how good it is for well being and staying trim and slim. 

Only in my little English coast town, I could count just on a hour walk about 10 places, where people have got apple trees in their gardens, but these apples never get picked. That indicates a sickness which goes deeper than diabetes, cancer and heart trouble. That is a disease of the brain.

But it is not all about apples. In Japan the say... a plum a day, keeps the doctor away...

29 Jan 2015

Very good news today

It looks like that consumers get the grip. The biggest fast food chain in the world, widely known as Mcdoof in Germany, which mean clearly Mcstupid, has reported its first fall in sales in 12 years.

If the biggest one of the fast food giants goes down with this evil fast food, others will follow soon. It looks like, that there is a trend to the better and healthier food worldwide.

TerLiMa always supported the healthy eating cult and style and is pleased about this message.

Eat healthy - stay healthy! Beat obesity and diabetes and heart diseases with your own strength and weapon. It's your mind!

6 Nov 2014

Empty plates

Washing dishes after eating is a good indicator

Every time we prepare dishes and after eating, the dishes need cleaning. Some make it easy for themselves and use a dishwasher. But no matter how we get rid of the leftovers, these are always a good indicator of the quality of the food just eaten.

Those who serve fat sauces have sticky pots and plates afterwards. Coffee and black tea leave brown edges and deposits in the cup.
A fruit plate, on the other hand, can just be rinsed off, the glass of water drunk doesn't make brown edges and the salad plate just doesn't have a thick fat rim.

I just say what glues, smears and pastes the plates to me today does the same with my body in the long run.

PS. By the way, you don't have to be or become a vegetarian to eat healthily.

3 Oct 2013

Medicines should be eaten

Even adding fish to your diet once a week significantly reduces the risk of heart and artery problems. Good nutrition is more than just cutting out fat and fast foods. You need to know the difference between "good" and "bad" fats, pay attention to portion size, and make good eating habits a part of your daily routine. 

But the older (and more established!) a person is, the more difficult it becomes to leave old paths. For example, with the right amount of fruits and vegetables per day (I don't want to break the "5 a day" rule here), the risk of contracting cancer decreases by 20%. But less than 40% of the older generation heed this fact and linger in old habits. And the longer these old habits have us in their grip, the more difficult it becomes to switch to new ones.


15 Jun 2009

Zuviel Fleisch

Gute Idee von Paul McCartney.
Der fleischfreie Montag.
Das gilt natürlich besonders für alle die mehr oder weniger täglich Fleisch und Fleischprodukte verzehren.
Mehr hier:,1518,630622,00.html

18 May 2009

Brotteig kommt heute über Nacht per Jumbo aus Tunesien

Guter Beitrag zur Aufschieberitis ist gerade auch bei Spiegel-Online zu lesen.,1518,624871,00.html
Da heißt es sinngemäß, Zimmer clean, Abschlussarbeit hat zu warten.

Heute war ich wieder im Bio-Supermarkt. Echt geiles Dreikorn Schwarzbrot für 1,99 € und Dinkelbrot für 1,25 €, je 500g. Zum Paket Schwarzbrot von meinem so genannten Bäcker über die Straße ( 2,20 €, alles 500g packs ) fällt mir nur eine Beschreibung aus der historischen Folterkammer in Rothenburg ob de Tauber ein.

Da wird von einem Bäcker berichtet, welcher zu kleine Brötchen backte. Dafür tauchte man ihn zur Strafe 2 x in die Tauber. Tags darauf backte er extra große, sozusagen , denen werde ich's zeigen. 5 x tauchen in der Tauber. Nahrungsmittel sind eben was Verantwortungsvolles. Früher wusste man das. Heute weiß man/frau nur noch den Preis. Und nicht mal woher der Brotteig oft kommt. Nämlich über Nacht per Flieger aus Tunesien.