25 May 2019

Today many older people can achieve high performance

There are many examples like the Indian Fauje Singh, who completes marathons at the age of 100 years. Or the German Clemens Wittig, who still has fabulous times on long runs at 75 and holds several age-group records.

Even the 63-year-old Hajo Palm impresses with fitness. If you can handle the rock-hard desert race "Bad water Run", you can be sure of that. The Canadian Ed Whitlock, who still strolls daily around the cemetery at the beginning of 80, is another example. And still runs times that other ambitious long distance runners only can dream of. At age 73, he ran a three hour marathon! No one has ever done that before.

Are these only exceptions? At the time yes, but the exceptions are becoming more and more the rule. Old age is not what we have learned in the past. It needs a complete different approach.
Master Horst D. Lindenau running a 10 km competition in Bremen/Germany

14 May 2019

The woods are good for us

When was the last time you visited the forest? Is it quite some time ago? Well, then it's time to plan another long walk. The forest keeps you healthy. Whether walkers, cyclists, riders, joggers or hikers. Everyone can use the forest in their own way. However, so that everyone can enjoy their trip in the forest undisturbed, it is of course necessary to take into account the forest, its animals and plants 
and of course other recreation seekers. For example, smoking in the woods should really be completely out.

The forest ecosystem is a partnership that is characterised by high stability and diversity. As a long-lived ecosystem, the forest is capable of self-regulation and contains a lot of biomass. The great benefit for the forest visitor is not only in the good, fresh air, but also peace and certain loneliness bring high health value. Mind and soul recover at the sight of nature.

12 May 2019

The food you eat - enjoy!

The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful medicine.
Or the slowest form of poison you take.

7 May 2019

Test your stress level

I find this little test quite astonishing. It is very simple but it works. I have tested it myself and the result is worth to pass this little tool on to you. I came back from a bike ride through rush hour, windy and cold day, switched the computer on and the image seemed to roll on.
Other day I checked it out after the daily meditation. Absolutely standstill.
Clever thing that is :)