6 Dec 2018

Join club 115 and lets live life longer together

Club 115 is for those they want to live 115 years. 
You can join whatever age you are. Use the contact form on this page. 

Join club 115 and live together 115 years

30 Sept 2018

Choose the people around you for your needs

Life is not only a one man show. You need to have people around you, they are good for you. Be ruthless and disconnect from those they don't want you to be happy and succeed.

15 Sept 2018

What is TerLiMa?

What is TerLiMa? TerLiMa stands short for Terrestrial Life Management.

6 Jul 2018

You are what you eat

Just that simple. Good health > good mood > good life has one major key and that is called good food. What you eat - you are!

Although a well trained man who has mastered the Yoga and wisdom of life is able to eat nearly anything without damage to his body, these choices should be kept for the moments when good food is rare or totally unavailable.

27 Jun 2018

Wise words

"A body at rest tends to stay at rest 

whereas a body in motion tends to stay in motion"

Isaac Newton

Wer rastet der rostet!

(Who rests rusts!)

 German proverb

 Keep moving...

15 Jun 2018

Go and look out to the sea

Over 70% of the earths surface is covered by our oceans. It is not a coincidence, that our body consists too of 70 % of water. If you want to recognise yourself and learn about life go and spend time at the sea. Master Horst D. Lindenau is a former navy captain and has sailed the seven seas. This is the most intensive experience with life.

16 May 2018

Sugar sugar - honey honey

No it is not about this famous song. It is about sugar only - no honey this time! Sugar proves to be a stuff when taken in vast amounts like a drug as heroin and so.

Sugar wrecks our health. Causes illness like diabetes type 2 and obesity. Heart disease, cancer and the teeth are suffering too! And sugar is not only this legal drug. It is also cheap, always available and once hooked on to it it is very addictive and difficult to come off it.
Here is a good information about this stuff. Very interesting to read with more links to get deeper into it. Enjoy!


9 May 2018

Breath in - and out!

Life energy has many names from many cultures. Ki, spirit and prana, but what does it do?
Life energy is about bringing true healing from within.

When we see the doctors we are prescribed drugs that will relieve the symptoms of the disorder but it does not cure us. Because the reason for being ill is still present. Any true cure involves changes to one’s lifestyle and to how we perceive ourselves, in other words the physical and psychological being.

Each breath we take is life energy which in turn enters our body through meridians energizing major organs and tissues. Any imbalance to the flow of energy will lead to ill health. The Hebrew term “Ruah” comes from “Ruh” meaning to breath the power of manifestation, or energy.

Shakespeare wrote: " O spirit of love, the spirit which heals." When we are healthy we are full of energy, spirit and love.
I truly believe that if we treat ourselves holistically, that we will become whole again and live our lives as they were meant to be.

3 Apr 2018

Three quick fix for longevity from TerLiMa

1. Get enough sleep of good quality
Sleep quality is huge important. If you’re not regularly sleeping your personal required hours per night, your body does not have time to repair. The amount of sleep has to be individual found. If you waking up tired even after sufficient hours of sleep, than there is a problem with your sleep quality. Low melatonin production (sleep in the dark!), sleep apnoea and easily corrected factors like too much alcohol or caffeine can be the reason.

2. Eat well
This is simple. Eat lots of fresh vegetables and fruits especially no processed foods. Home-cooked meals keep you lively.

3. Stay always active
As you age it takes much more effort to maintain muscle mass and muscle tone. Therefore you need to exercise often. One caution though is to be gentle with your joints. If any sport causes hip and knee pain, consider a different one.

7 Mar 2018

Age is just a number

Not long ago, many health problems experienced by older people were simply put down to their advancing years.

Fortunately, attitudes are changing. Fewer doctors are likely to tell you: "What else can you expect at your time of life?"

Today it is generally accepted that old age is not a diagnosis or a disease.

Indeed, most problems in later life are not caused by the ageing process itself. However, we should all be aware of the changes in our bodies as we grow older and take action to avoid damage to our health.

You start today by following this blog.

4 Mar 2018

You can become easy 115 years old

Did you hear that?

You can become easy 115 years old.

And this is only the basic or call it the realistic approach to what we call life span / death etc.

Other sources talk about a target at around 500 years.

Well, I have no further information on that. But I keep you informed.