Showing posts with label 115 rules. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 115 rules. Show all posts

14 Nov 2020

You decide how long this road will be

Are you aware of your own life span? When many other go, you can still have this good life god designed you for. Live up to 115 years with Club 115 rules. Start to love yourself.

18 May 2020

Not all make 115 years

Of course not everybody will make it to 115 years. First not those who aren't following the rules and second those they abuse their livelihood continuously. This can be by using drugs, alcohol, fast food and so on. I am not talking of the few people they might have health issues they cannot change or they are not responsible themselves, sorry for them. Those they want to go the path and aim to live up to 115 years I invite to join Club 115 and let's go together. 

26 Apr 2020

Eat healthy

Live 20 years longer with the right diet.
Researchers are certain that nutrition is the key to a long life. 
Balancing vitamin requirements with tablets does not help.
Eat the right stuff!
And: Don't diet! Since I learned reading there been about 2000 diets in the various magazines, not a single one did the job. Keep that on mind.

2 Jan 2020

New years wishes

You might have missed some Happy New Year wishes here and I left that deliberately out this year. Club 115 has a different view on age and this has strongly to do with our perspective to look at it and how we count life time. Count in years does not provide you with an accurate measurement neither is it useful to encourage you with the idea of longevity.

Best is not to have any of these "new years resolutions". First is that 95% of you don't stick to it anyway and it is much better to say >>> Go out now! Go for a walk. don't plan it, do it!

4 Apr 2019

Bye bye stress

Stress takes a toll on your body
Everyone at some point feels the effects of stress and many don’t know how to deal with it. I am not talking about the positive stress. No, just the negative one which is far more known as “stress” is a problem. 

To escape this stress by using alcohol, smoking or taking drugs makes matters worse and causing even more problems. Stress becomes a negative factor when a person faces continuous challenges without any time mixed in for relief of it. As a result, people become overworked and stress-related anxiety and illness shows. Stress causes people to breathe harder and usually the wrong way. 

And good breathing is essential for good (long) living. People who are stressed eat much more than usual. Sometimes they will eat much less. When you’re stressed, the brain sends alert sensations to the stomach. Your stomach can react with nausea or pain. Severe stress can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, or constipation. 

If this stress becomes chronic, you can develop ulcers. The best thing to do is learn to manage stress. You won’t avoid stress entirely, but it is possible to minimise the effects by eating healthy, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and taking care of yourself in general. And watch the breathing!
No stress > longevity!

1 Mar 2019

Are you an indoor or outdoor type?

The most important factors
to recover and well being are daylight
and fresh air.

Therefore, the call to everyone:

Get out as much as possible

and spend more time outdoors than indoors.

This is the way to good health.

Live during daylight and sleep in the dark.
Go for a walk and think about life.

11 Feb 2019

Water. Water. And again water.

Water is the most important commodity for life

It's a fact > Water shortage indifferent areas of your body will manifest varying symptoms, signal and complications labelled DISEASES.

It's a fact > Chronic dehydration of the body is like any other deficiency disorder. Vitamin deficiency, iron or even sunlight deficiency.

It's a fact > What you drink all day, coffee, tea, lemonades or even alcohol does not feed your body with the water so much needed.

Go and have a glass of water now!


And for an emergency it is always no.1 priority to have sufficient water supply

8 Feb 2019

Long life comes with good health

Healthy body - healthy mind - healthy you

30 Jan 2019

Smoking gives you a cup of tar for your lungs

Want to join club 115?
Become 115 years old?
Then stop bloody smoking! 
Most stupid thing to do -
 and easy to stop this nasty habit.

Rule no 2 for the club 115

Time is life - And life is time

We at club 115 aim for a life span of minimum 115 years. Come and join us! Time is life - time is precious!

29 Jan 2019

You like to join club 115

Club 115 is for people they made a clear decision. 
They aim to live up to the age of 115 (one hundred fifteen) years.
And that's dead 😊😊😊 easy!
From application on you just follow the 115 rules. 
After you introduced yourself to the 115 rules you are in!

(Rule no 1 for the club 115)
Eat a lot of fresh salads

7 Mar 2018

Age is just a number

Not long ago, many health problems experienced by older people were simply put down to their advancing years.

Fortunately, attitudes are changing. Fewer doctors are likely to tell you: "What else can you expect at your time of life?"

Today it is generally accepted that old age is not a diagnosis or a disease.

Indeed, most problems in later life are not caused by the ageing process itself. However, we should all be aware of the changes in our bodies as we grow older and take action to avoid damage to our health.

You start today by following this blog.

6 Dec 2017

Regular training keeps you going

Regular training does not only keeps you fit, but it's fun!
Especially important to train are:
Keep on mind, who adhere to this rule avoid unnecessary suffering and grief in the future for themselves and their loved ones.

3 Dec 2016

Health is not everything

Health is not everything.

But without health, everything is nothing.

5 Sept 2016

Eternal validity

"In a healthy body is a healthy mind.

The past body documents the neglected brain. "

Horst D. Lindenau 1986