3 Oct 2013

Medicines should be eaten

Even adding fish to your diet once a week significantly reduces the risk of heart and artery problems. Good nutrition is more than just cutting out fat and fast foods. You need to know the difference between "good" and "bad" fats, pay attention to portion size, and make good eating habits a part of your daily routine. 

But the older (and more established!) a person is, the more difficult it becomes to leave old paths. For example, with the right amount of fruits and vegetables per day (I don't want to break the "5 a day" rule here), the risk of contracting cancer decreases by 20%. But less than 40% of the older generation heed this fact and linger in old habits. And the longer these old habits have us in their grip, the more difficult it becomes to switch to new ones.


18 Aug 2013

Cancer inexorably on the rise

The Robert Koch Institute reports that in Germany in 2012 almost half a million people were diagnosed with cancer. And the number of diseases continues to rise. There has been an 80% increase in cancer cases in the last thirty years. 

But what are the reasons for this change? Increasing life expectancy is certainly one reason for the growing number of cases of illness. If you died in the past at 70, you couldn't get cancer at 80. Sounds logical so far. 

But if you take the trouble to sort death statistics by age, you quickly realize that cancer can strike at any age. The usual suspects, alcohol and tobacco, are of course quickly ready as further explanations. We are now witnessing the generation that was able to smoke uninhibitedly for 50 or 60 years. 

Well, and that pushes the cancer rate up properly. The dangers of radiation or toxins are completely ignored. This goes so far in the public consciousness that even serious reactor accidents, like the one in Fukushima 2 years ago, are presented as rather harmless and are then also perceived as such. According to the Japanese government, not a single person has fallen ill from radiation.

17 Apr 2013

Lungs - Air - Breath - Life

Bang! I have just crushed a fly, taken her life. How easy it is to convert from life to death.
When a human dies, often the lungs are involved. The breathing once gone: dead.

Our lung is a hard working organ. Until the age of retirement our lungs have breathed in and out about 500 million times . The bronchi get flowed by 10.000 litres of air through the day.

Of course in a smoker’s lung this would be just air and smoke. The lungs of a healthy adult have more than 300 million alveolar. These spread out would cover an area as large as a football field.

One question: For example, if a doggy would poop on this sports field. Very close to the goal, of
course. The goalkeeper will surely be annoyed by that. What do you do in this case?

Answer: Doggy off the pitch and dog pile cleaned up.

Something similar would be the effect of a cigarette onto the bronchi. The smoke adheres them and when "the dog is not chased away", the lung will be full of shit soon!

5 Apr 2013

Plant a tree

This oak tree is grown from a single acorn. To grow and prosper!