30 Jun 2020

The moon influences your daily life

The moon is similar like a clock for life on earth. Just like in the oceans, (ships go up and down with the tides) there is ebb and flow in the human body. Water flows through the cells in strict dependence on the moon. This is particularly strong in times of new and full moon.

The effect of the moon is not only technically visible at the sea due to the tides, but also on trees. Invisible to the eye, but technically flawlessly measurable, trees swell up and down strictly in the rhythm of the moon phases.

And just like the cells in the trees, our body cells also react. The moon affects our body's water balance. If people complain of sleeping difficulty during a full moon phase, it is not because it may be too bright. No, it is the water balance in the body that is influenced by the position of the moon.

Police and taxi drivers regularly report above-average alcohol excesses during the full moon, midwives have more to do and mosquitoes bite faster. What has unfortunately not been sufficiently researched is the answer to how we can make the moon phases practically usable. Apart from a few esoteric approaches, research here is still very thin.

15 Jun 2020

Half a cup of tar in a smokers lung

Anyone who walks in a cafe without a care and orders a "coffee" is given a choice: cappuccino, latte, caffeine-free, espresso ... forgot something else?
But if you smoke with your coffee, then you drink another special cup. The cup of tar. There is so much tar in an average smoking lung, if you wanted to store it at home in the closet, the health department would show up.