Showing posts with label Body and mind. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Body and mind. Show all posts

2 Dec 2024

Grow old with Club 115


How old are you? 

18? Gives you another 97 years to live.

45? Gives you another 70 years to live.

75? Gives you another 40 years to live.

The aim is to become 115 years old. In good and healthy condition. 

Not possible? 

You have to believe me and you have to do action. Bring order in your daily life and plan ahead.

Happy birthday!

10 Aug 2024

Move! Move! Move!


Ok, this picture is a joke. as human beings we have to move our a... Otherwise we rotaway and live uncomfortable, as we feel the pinch. Please do your daily portion of exercise. Might be sports, physical work, gardening or even sex does you good. But dont be the turtle and sit on the setty!

8 Aug 2023

The influence of the moon

The influence of the moon on people can be seen and felt most clearly when there is a full moon. In terms of strength, the same influences apply at the time of the new moon, but the big difference lies in the lunar disk, which is so clearly visible when the sky is clear.


Tonight there is a full moon over Dorset again and that can mean that the tides are a little more extreme, some are unable to sleep, more births, but also more violence, plants are now particularly sensitive to changes, increased sex drive, drug and alcohol consumption is increasing, and the like much more.  


We recommend the book “The Influence of the Moon on Man”, by Horst Lindenau, 2001.

Photo: Full moon Dorset, 2020

11 Jul 2023

Grand master Horst D. Lindenau promotes longevity and martial arts

 Grand master Horst D. Lindenau combines anti-ageing longevity with the martial arts. "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act, but a habit."

16 Jun 2023

The journey is more important than the destination

The journey is more important than the destination. The goal is our path!

My father always used to  say "when I retire ... then I can do this and that ...". Well, unfortunately, this wishful thinking could not be implemented with him. Advanced diabetes has largely taken away his sight and thus his love, talent, skill and diligence in painting was suddenly stopped. And that pretty much at the same time as the pension notice. What a sad turning point. What does this teach us? 

 Do it! And do it now!


23 Mar 2023

... and as young as today

I am now in my sixties and sometimes I think that all the knowledge and information that I was able to acquire, some of it with difficulty, some of it took a long time, would have been an immense enrichment for my life if it had been available earlier. But unfortunately, I didn't come across the clever advisors and ways of life in earlier years. Nowadays, I am also actively searching for myself and am open to tips and tricks that can enrich my life. And I'm in no way saddened. The Methuselah calculator has certified that I will be at least 101 years old! And with the help of Club 115 advice >>> 115 years!


1 Feb 2023

Everyone wants to grow old - nobody wants to be old

   Birthdays are always something special in a person's life. Once a young person hears about numbers, years, and age differences with the privileges that come with them, it can't happen fast enough. 

Finally going to school at the age of 6. Then 16! 18! 21 used to be such a magical age. Then the counting gradually becomes quieter. Years later you don't know when you ask your own age. Am I 38 or 37 now? From the age of 50, you can cheat. Don't be old! I found a photo of my 30th birthday today. Somehow, that's no longer true, yet it was only "recently". Time and years of life are difficult subjects to grasp.

22 Aug 2022

Mind over body

Virus as a trigger for prostate cancer? (First published in German 2010)

This is the headline of a report in the Apothekenrundschau (Pharma news) from December 2009. It goes on to say... "Researchers have found new clues...etc. etc. etc... I noticed the article because I read the headline somewhere "Bald men get it less often, you know." I googled it and entered the search terms "image" and "prostate cancer". The result is not amazing. Actually rather what was to be expected, a bunch of rubbish being spread. 

But read for yourself: Men who drink beer are said to protect themselves against prostate cancer. According to an article in the "Bild-Zeitung" on June 14, 2006... The sensational discovery by cancer researcher Dr. John Coy... Sept. 1, 2009 ... In the new large series, BILD presents the first anti-cancer nutrition from ... Prostate cancer Young bald men less at risk ... Ostthüringer Zeitung Recognize prostate cancer by protein in the urine... *Bild Zeitung: Is there a vaccination against prostate cancer? Last week I discovered this report in a leftover "Bild" newspaper. ... Is there a vaccine against prostate cancer?

Last week I discovered this report in a leftover "Bild" newspaper. ... Jan. 10, 2004 ... that masturbation should protect men from prostate cancer. The source was "Medical Tribune". Tough, but honest: quality of life despite prostate cancer .... According to a report in the "Bild" newspaper on Wednesday, the Marburg doctors' organization fears ... Prostate diseases are widespread ailments, especially among the eldely and old .... As a result, a large nationwide publication by the Bild newspaper ... Oct. 31, 2008 ... When analyzing the prostate cancer cases in the USA from the past ... Bild Zeitung 06/11/2007: "Too little sun can also cause cancer" ... The BILD newspaper of January 14, 2010 has the headline “Doctors collapse! ... Fight against prostate cancer: ALTA Klinik is developing a new method for the early diagnosis of ... 

 As it looks like, at least neither the Bildzeitung nor the Apothekenrundschau currently knows a panacea for prostate cancer. But one thing is known, in order to even get cancer, the mind must first be prepared. At least that's what I claim. 

What do the men without bald heads think? Exactly. And who do not practice masturbation? Exactly. And what do men who don't drink beer do? Oh, oh, prostate cancer, I hear you trapping... I know that the mind controls the body. 

And that is not only generally known in many cases, I have also experienced it umpteen times on my own body. And it is precisely this spiritual guidance that harbors the great danger. Unfortunately, the mass media spread dangerous reports in abundance, which can then influence the mind after corresponding frequent admission. Well, see the Google results and think!

11 Feb 2022

Tantra Yoga can help you

To reach old age and stay young, or let me call it rather "stay healthy and happy", you need a balanced sex life. This does not mean, you need to actually practice sex. But if not than you need the right attitude to your state.

In the tantric lovemaking experience , which is called "Maithuna" in the West, the lovers include a variety of rituals and meditations before the actual uniting.

10 Nov 2021

One two three four - you are obese

Every fourth German adult is now overweight. According to a survey by the Robert Koch Institute, 25% of all adults are obese. Obesity, as obesity is called, primarily affects women over the age of 30 and the lower educated classes are well represented. 
(I always say: stupidity eats - intelligence drinks). 
 The increasing number of obesity surgeries such as stomach reduction or the removal of fat aprons also shows the problems caused by being overweight in Germany. Those are the ugly scraps of skin that often remain when a fat person loses weight. According to the Techniker Krankenkasse, the number of surgical procedures nationwide among those insured by the substitute health insurance funds increased by 65 percent from 2009 to 2012. 
Needless to say, diabetes and cardiovascular disease go hand in hand. What I actually think the worst is the high number of overweight children and young people. A time bomb is ticking here, which will probably cause big trouble in the future.

Watch out before you need this

23 Aug 2020

These three levels are very important


Our life comprises three levels, the body, the spirit and the soul.

  None of the three levels is better or more sacred than the others, they are all equally important and none of these three levels are perfect unless all three are perfect. It is neither right nor noble to live only for the soul and to deny the body and the spirit. And it is just as wrong to only live for the spirit and to deny the body or the soul.

30 Jun 2020

The moon influences your daily life

The moon is similar like a clock for life on earth. Just like in the oceans, (ships go up and down with the tides) there is ebb and flow in the human body. Water flows through the cells in strict dependence on the moon. This is particularly strong in times of new and full moon.

The effect of the moon is not only technically visible at the sea due to the tides, but also on trees. Invisible to the eye, but technically flawlessly measurable, trees swell up and down strictly in the rhythm of the moon phases.

And just like the cells in the trees, our body cells also react. The moon affects our body's water balance. If people complain of sleeping difficulty during a full moon phase, it is not because it may be too bright. No, it is the water balance in the body that is influenced by the position of the moon.

Police and taxi drivers regularly report above-average alcohol excesses during the full moon, midwives have more to do and mosquitoes bite faster. What has unfortunately not been sufficiently researched is the answer to how we can make the moon phases practically usable. Apart from a few esoteric approaches, research here is still very thin.

28 Apr 2020

Live nine years longer

Did you know that being a coach potato shortens your life expectancy by as much as nine years? This is because when you don't work out regularly and enough, your body (cells) tend to age faster. Not doing exercise is responsible for the extra weight that builds up over the years. Ever wondered where the 20 kilos come from? It is over 20 years, each year a kilo. Not exercising is also a great way to bring your stress level up and same time decreasing your energy level. It can become a vicious circle. Not exercising is one reason you don’t fall asleep easy at night. Keep a long story short - if you want to shorten your life expectancy, be tired all the time and feel tense >>> not exercising might be right for you.

Now go and do something and add those nine years to your life.

More to come!

24 Apr 2020

It's called take it or leave it

Except you are a holy guru and just sit in a remote cave, life consists of ongoing action. There is always "something to do"!
The way I handle it, I love what I am doing. And if the very rare moment appears and I have to do something I don't love - than I don't do it. Easy as that.

16 Mar 2020

It’s about the fateful power of thought

My thought for today to the open minded.
It’s about the fateful power of thought
Forces prevail in humans. Supernatural powers rooted in the metaphysical.
All fear, hope, belief and desires make man what he is. Healthy or sick. Strong or weak. A strong character or a torn neurotic! Don't forget, we correspond with the subconscious of all people, regardless of whether they are near or far or known.

21 Jan 2020

Meditation-bench for DIY

This little bench is very useful for your meditation. With a little effort it can be done by yourself. Model OL for you from Club 115.

"I use this gem myself and wouldn't want to be without anymore", Master Horst D. Lindenau chief coach at Ichinen Bridport martial arts school / UK and managing director of Club 115 Ltd.

5 Dec 2019

Life means work - means action

You have to be active in life. Nature law shows how it goes. Never stop. Be active. Go for it!

16 Nov 2019

Look after yourself

You have got only this one boat. Look after it! This says Master Horst D. Lindenau

26 Oct 2019

To live long is the same than to live today

When we aim for a long life, we have to consider that the whole lifetime consists of single individual days. Treat every single day with care and be aware of all these beautiful years they lay in front of you. But this is only a precious gift if you respect this day.

30 Sept 2019

Move - move - move!

"How is it that possible I have quietly gained 25 kg since my 20th birthday?

 "And even though I always eat healthy and conscious and even do sports regularly "

Well, that's easy to explain. Today, you're weighing 25 kg more, which means you've only gained about 0.8 kg on average over the past 30 years. And that comes naturally unnoticed. The
clothes size does not change in one fell swoop, no one draws your attention to it, because it is almost unnoticeable.

The reason for such a slow weight gain, despite active membership in the sports club is due to the daily routine. Even if we e.g. being physically challenged at work and even exercising actively once a week, it is not enough to clear the balance between food intake and calorie needs / burns.

Scientists at the US University of Missouri have researched that a predominantly sedentary lifestyle and work style can not be compensated by the occasional walk to the gym or other sports activities.

What's missing are 10,000 steps per day, the scientists say. Accordingly, physical inactivity is the main reason for the development of chronic diseases such as diabetes or obesity.

Therefor >>> out of the TV chair!
Gardening is a very good activity to stay trim and fit