22 Aug 2022

Mind over body

Virus as a trigger for prostate cancer? (First published in German 2010)

This is the headline of a report in the Apothekenrundschau (Pharma news) from December 2009. It goes on to say... "Researchers have found new clues...etc. etc. etc... I noticed the article because I read the headline somewhere "Bald men get it less often, you know." I googled it and entered the search terms "image" and "prostate cancer". The result is not amazing. Actually rather what was to be expected, a bunch of rubbish being spread. 

But read for yourself: Men who drink beer are said to protect themselves against prostate cancer. According to an article in the "Bild-Zeitung" on June 14, 2006... The sensational discovery by cancer researcher Dr. John Coy... Sept. 1, 2009 ... In the new large series, BILD presents the first anti-cancer nutrition from ... Prostate cancer Young bald men less at risk ... Ostthüringer Zeitung Recognize prostate cancer by protein in the urine... *Bild Zeitung: Is there a vaccination against prostate cancer? Last week I discovered this report in a leftover "Bild" newspaper. ... Is there a vaccine against prostate cancer?

Last week I discovered this report in a leftover "Bild" newspaper. ... Jan. 10, 2004 ... that masturbation should protect men from prostate cancer. The source was "Medical Tribune". Tough, but honest: quality of life despite prostate cancer .... According to a report in the "Bild" newspaper on Wednesday, the Marburg doctors' organization fears ... Prostate diseases are widespread ailments, especially among the eldely and old .... As a result, a large nationwide publication by the Bild newspaper ... Oct. 31, 2008 ... When analyzing the prostate cancer cases in the USA from the past ... Bild Zeitung 06/11/2007: "Too little sun can also cause cancer" ... The BILD newspaper of January 14, 2010 has the headline “Doctors collapse! ... Fight against prostate cancer: ALTA Klinik is developing a new method for the early diagnosis of ... 

 As it looks like, at least neither the Bildzeitung nor the Apothekenrundschau currently knows a panacea for prostate cancer. But one thing is known, in order to even get cancer, the mind must first be prepared. At least that's what I claim. 

What do the men without bald heads think? Exactly. And who do not practice masturbation? Exactly. And what do men who don't drink beer do? Oh, oh, prostate cancer, I hear you trapping... I know that the mind controls the body. 

And that is not only generally known in many cases, I have also experienced it umpteen times on my own body. And it is precisely this spiritual guidance that harbors the great danger. Unfortunately, the mass media spread dangerous reports in abundance, which can then influence the mind after corresponding frequent admission. Well, see the Google results and think!

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