11 Feb 2022

Don't wait for spring cleaning


                                Two meditation master from SW England - breathing is the key!

What spring cleaning is for the household, a little detoxification from time to time is for your own body. I think the beginning of fall is a good time for that. Today I would like to describe four methods that make the body fitter and more resilient and also improve its appearance. And I'm not talking about expensive pills, formulas or eventual spa visits. 

Everyone has the means for a small detoxification according to TerLiMa at hand. According to Kneipp, we use clear water and a brush or a natural sponge. What do you drink during the day and evening? Tea, coffee, milk, juices, alcoholic beverages should all be stopped for three days. drink water Yes, water is and remains the best and at the same time cheapest food. And I don't mean expensive waters from the shop shelf. No, just tap water. 

In most places in Germany drinking water from the tap is perfectly acceptable. It is best to provide 2-3 liters for each day and drink throughout the day and evening. The liver is cleaned as well as the kidneys. Toxins are flushed out of the body. Pay attention to a good departure! But as the saying goes, water is for washing... So wash with clear water for three days. So consciously avoid soaps and bath additives. Then use a good brush during the bath and gently rub the whole body with it. 

Separated skin cells are thereby removed, the immune and lymphatic systems are stimulated. And: Cellulite, the notorious orange peel skin where toxins accumulate, is reduced. And it doesn't matter if brushing wet or dry. Always towards the heart. 

But even that is not very important. TerLiMa has already reported on the brush technology in earlier articles. In addition to water, breath is of particular importance for detoxification. 

Try breathing consciously. You may even try and use different yoga breathing methods. You can't go wrong with this. Every consciously executed breath means a gain. Better breathing supplies the body with more oxygen. Consciously draw in the air deeply with your diaphragm. 

Take a few moments several times a day to breathe deeply. With more oxygen, the body tissue is then detoxified. Smokers don't have to give up their addiction right away. But even here, a slight reduction in consumption can work wonders. 

 My last tip. TV off! Try surviving three days without a TV, even without a PC or other electronic entertainment. This detoxifies the mind, sleep becomes calmer and you feel more balanced. And who is normally surrounded by many people every day, looking for peace and contemplation for three days and also being alone once in a while. 

Good luck and enjoy detoxing!

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