Make it a good habit to replace the cups of coffee and black tea by GREEN tea.
16 Jul 2023
11 Jul 2023
Grand master Horst D. Lindenau promotes longevity and martial arts
Grand master Horst D. Lindenau combines anti-ageing longevity with the martial arts. "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act, but a habit."
9 Jul 2023
26 Jun 2023
How much time left?
If anything can be equated with "God" to me, then it's time. Time is a quantity, if we measure it with our conventional tools, then time is relatively manageable and you can "calculate" with it.
Everyone divides their time personally. It usually depends on day or night, working life, special events such as birthdays or appointments in general. Everyone is born, then the time that we call our own life begins to run out.
There are few exceptions and people live to be over 100 years old. 80 years is possible in some industrialized nations, while in parts of the Third World people sometimes only live to 35 years. In Germany, the average is around 75 years. But a few years more or less in statistics doesn't matter. What is far more important is how you deal with your own lifetime.
Let's say if you're 47 today, do you have a plan, an idea of what should happen until you reach the statistically end?
I think every year that we are allowed to live in health and contentment is worth being watched closely and cared for. We should never be careless with our remaining time. Here at Club 115 we count the lifetime in hours instead of years. I myself only have 390144 hours left. Then it's over and something "different" begins. Publishing this post took 1/2 hour of my life.
16 Jun 2023
The journey is more important than the destination
The journey is more important than the destination. The goal is our path!
My father always used to say "when I retire ... then I can do this and that ...". Well, unfortunately, this wishful thinking could not be implemented with him. Advanced diabetes has largely taken away his sight and thus his love, talent, skill and diligence in painting was suddenly stopped. And that pretty much at the same time as the pension notice. What a sad turning point. What does this teach us?
Do it! And do it now!
23 Mar 2023
... and as young as today
I am now in my sixties and sometimes I think that all the knowledge and information that I was able to acquire, some of it with difficulty, some of it took a long time, would have been an immense enrichment for my life if it had been available earlier. But unfortunately, I didn't come across the clever advisors and ways of life in earlier years. Nowadays, I am also actively searching for myself and am open to tips and tricks that can enrich my life. And I'm in no way saddened. The Methuselah calculator has certified that I will be at least 101 years old! And with the help of Club 115 advice >>> 115 years!
20 Feb 2023
A mental review. Allways a good idea
Don't just tidy up the kitchen or garage.
1. Throw anger and any pent-up hatred overboard. Away with jealousy.
2. Think through your frustrations.
3. Improve your communication with those close to you.
4. End the "procrastination".
5. Avoid gossip and lies.
6. Enrich yourself with a little more humour and lightness.
7. Give more than you take.
8. Open yourself to new things and fresh ideas.
9. Don't just think healthy, try to implement it.
Here I want to leave it at that. And if you only want to implement a few of them, it will be helpful.
1 Feb 2023
Everyone wants to grow old - nobody wants to be old
8 Jan 2023
Eat less - stay happy - don't diet
Anyone who has got problems with their weight is actually expressing through the kilos:
I have problems!
Problems they have been there long before obesity. So it doesn't bring any real progress just to fight obesity. Solve the problems!
A good tip to start with being overweight: Use small plates and eat healthy.
29 Oct 2022
As you make your bed, so you sleep
Hardly any proverb has so much truth. "As you make your bed, so you sleep".
Now let's be honest. What does your mattress look like? A friend of mine recently complained about back pain and I asked him about his mattress. Well, and that was still from his childhood days! 12 years old, completely worn out, just old.
Then we went spontaneously and bought a new one. There are offers in all price ranges, all qualities. Find a good shop and get advice. Doesn't have to be the most expensive, but new is always better than a completely worn out sleeping pad. Well, and a few days later I asked my friend on the phone how's it going with the back?
Wonderful, he said, it was a good investment. Good night!
3 Sept 2022
Patients wait a long time for a doctor's appointment. That was 2012!
If you need a doctor's appointment in Germany, you have to be patient. According to a new survey, every third patient has to wait longer than three days for an appointment, every tenth even more than three weeks.
Almost 25% of patients who have had to wait for a doctor's appointment in the past 12 months think the wait was too long. About 30% of those surveyed had to wait longer than three days for an appointment. Visiting a specialist in particular often requires patience. About 25% of those with statutory health insurance have to wait more than three weeks for an appointment.
In contrast, patients with an acute need for treatment and private patients rarely have to wait. Ok, if you are sick, you need help. And that's what doctors are there for. The practice fee introduced a few years ago had the aim of reducing the number of patients, primarily unnecessary ones. Administrative tasks generated by this probably created work, money was taken from the coffers; that shouldn't be the issue. I mean, instead of getting worked up about long (3 days!) waiting times, the patient should make sure in advance that he doesn't become a patient in the first place.
If I take care of my health today,
I don't have to go to the doctors tomorrow!
22 Aug 2022
Mind over body
Virus as a trigger for prostate cancer? (First published in German 2010)
This is the headline of a report in the Apothekenrundschau (Pharma news) from December 2009. It goes on to say... "Researchers have found new clues...etc. etc. etc... I noticed the article because I read the headline somewhere "Bald men get it less often, you know." I googled it and entered the search terms "image" and "prostate cancer". The result is not amazing. Actually rather what was to be expected, a bunch of rubbish being spread.
But read for yourself: Men who drink beer are said to protect themselves against prostate cancer. According to an article in the "Bild-Zeitung" on June 14, 2006... The sensational discovery by cancer researcher Dr. John Coy... Sept. 1, 2009 ... In the new large series, BILD presents the first anti-cancer nutrition from ... Prostate cancer Young bald men less at risk ... Ostthüringer Zeitung Recognize prostate cancer by protein in the urine... *Bild Zeitung: Is there a vaccination against prostate cancer? Last week I discovered this report in a leftover "Bild" newspaper. ... Is there a vaccine against prostate cancer?
Last week I discovered this report in a leftover "Bild" newspaper. ... Jan. 10, 2004 ... that masturbation should protect men from prostate cancer. The source was "Medical Tribune". Tough, but honest: quality of life despite prostate cancer .... According to a report in the "Bild" newspaper on Wednesday, the Marburg doctors' organization fears ... Prostate diseases are widespread ailments, especially among the eldely and old .... As a result, a large nationwide publication by the Bild newspaper ... Oct. 31, 2008 ... When analyzing the prostate cancer cases in the USA from the past ... Bild Zeitung 06/11/2007: "Too little sun can also cause cancer" ... The BILD newspaper of January 14, 2010 has the headline “Doctors collapse! ... Fight against prostate cancer: ALTA Klinik is developing a new method for the early diagnosis of ...
As it looks like, at least neither the Bildzeitung nor the Apothekenrundschau currently knows a panacea for prostate cancer. But one thing is known, in order to even get cancer, the mind must first be prepared. At least that's what I claim.
What do the men without bald heads think? Exactly. And who do not practice masturbation? Exactly. And what do men who don't drink beer do? Oh, oh, prostate cancer, I hear you trapping... I know that the mind controls the body.
And that is not only generally known in many cases, I have also experienced it umpteen times on my own body. And it is precisely this spiritual guidance that harbors the great danger. Unfortunately, the mass media spread dangerous reports in abundance, which can then influence the mind after corresponding frequent admission. Well, see the Google results and think!
17 Aug 2022
Energy-saving lamps - health risk?
The media are now reporting on health hazards and risks caused by energy-saving lamps.
There is a sweeping warning that energy-saving lamps could cause cancer, depression and even diabetes. The fact is, the new energy-saving lamps save electricity and therefore money.
But it is also a fact that a product is smuggled in as environmentally friendly, which at least causes problems in terms of disposal. And not just because of the high mercury content in the new light sources, but perhaps also because of the diffuse radiation that the lights emit.
The lamps are coming, the conventional light bulbs will gradually disappear from the market. And if you are afraid of any side effects, you are advised to sit in the dark more often. Go outside more often instead of sitting inside with lights on. Turn off the TV, cell phone, computer, stereo, microwave, or headphones more often. Then the danger posed by the new energy-saving lamps also has its place. I mean extremely low.
This article was first published in 2009.
28 Jun 2022
Cancer is very common
Cancer, what is it actually? After all, this disease is now the cause of the death of over 200,000 people in Germany every year. Everyone's gonna die sometime. The only question is how and when. And cancer is the leading cause of death here in agony and dying at a rather young age.
Lung cancer is still the most common cause of death from cancer. In 2010 alone, almost 43,000 Germans died from it. Followed by breast cancer with 17500 deaths. Malignant changes of the colon and pancreas occupy the following places.
The most popular killer tumor in men is still lung cancer, and in women it is breast cancer. What does that tell us? Most diseases are probably home-made, i.e. they are the responsibility of the person concerned.
Think of the number one, lung cancer. There are now international studies on this disease that clearly show the connection between smoking and cancer. Diet and a massive lack of exercise are the next cause. So: get rid of cigarette butts or at least reduce consumption and go for a walk! Away with fast food and cook for yourself again. Then half the battle is won!
26 Jun 2022
I m dead
We all have to; want, may, will and can die one day. In this respect we all become the same in death. A big difference is only present when it comes to how die? General desire to go to bed happy and content in the evening when you are very old and to fall asleep gently when you are as old as possible... that would be nice.
The reality is different. German figures.
1st place: heart failure. The year before last, more than 7 million people (12.9 percent) succumbed to this disease worldwide.
2nd place: Blood clots in the head, also known as a stroke. After all, 6.2 million victims worldwide.
3rd place: Other lower respiratory tract infections kill 3.2 million people. .
4th place: COPD. It sounds harmless, but it is the lung disease that kills 3 million people worldwide every year. Is usually self-inflicted, through smoking.
Place 5: 1.6 million people succumbed to the AIDS virus in 2011. 6th place: According to the WHO, smoking is one of the greatest dangers. terlima-news - Cancer of the lungs and bronchi are therefore the
6th most common cause of death. In total, 1.5 million people died directly from smoking in 2011.
7th place: Diabetes was the cause of death for 1.4 million people worldwide in 2011.
8th place: Traffic accidents are one of the most common causes of death worldwide. 1.3 million people died in road traffic accidents in 2011. Incidentally, a 10% increase in the number of cases in Germany.
16 Jun 2022
Transplant of a smokers lung
You have to imagine this. A young woman (28) from Great Britain suffers of cystic fibrosis and has two new lungs transplanted. So far so good.
But a good five months after the operation, the woman dies of what is called pneumonia. The woman had had two lung transplants from a donor who had smoked for 30 years.
Apart from the fact that the health authorities make excuses and point out that organ recipients can't expect brand new organs, this may have been a medical test of how long such a well-smoked lung might last. Terrible like that.
18 Apr 2022
Drink a fine amount of water. Daily!
The kidneys are very sensitive to your blood circulation
Contrary to popular belief, you don’t necessarily need to down 6 pints of water to keep your kidneys working well. Even with just 4 to 6 small glasses of water a day, your kidneys are probably fine. But sticking with just a cup or 2 a day could challenge the organ. Not only will you not have enough water flushing out your system to keep your sodium levels in check, but a dehydrated body will have a harder time keeping its blood pressure up.
The kidneys dont like it being dehydrated. This can cause that your blood pressure drops and the blood flow to your kidneys drops too, which makes them not well functioning.
You don’t need to worry about that level of dehydration every day, just make sure you drink enough water if you are exercising a lot or outside on a hot day. Sure you want a bit more than.
Water - river - healthiness
13 Apr 2022
Apple day!
Eat one apple a day. Really? An apple a day, keeps the doctor away. In Japan they say that about cherries.
But anyway, apples are good for you and add to longevity. Eating a few apples a week will improve the function of your lungs. Apples contain the antioxidant quercetin, which protects your lungs from the effects caused by smoke and air pollution.
Apples and carrots go well together.12 Apr 2022
12 Mar 2022
Buddhism represents the doctrine that killing is wrong as a principle. It is forbidden to kill an animal, or even kill an insect. I believe that life is not only existing in living organisms such as animals, but even the profane tomato, in any vegetables, fruits and even in every blade of grass.
Life comes from the universe, it is part of it and it it not understood at all what it really is yet. We just guess and assume, make decisions they suit us or believe what others tell us.. Why should it be wrong to kill an animal to eat it? However, to cut the grain and threshing is any better? I mean in the eyes of the universe all are the same. Humans, animals and plants. The sea, the clouds, the heat and the cold. It is all the same.
11 Feb 2022
Don't wait for spring cleaning
Two meditation master from SW England - breathing is the key!
What spring cleaning is for the household, a little detoxification from time to time is for your own body. I think the beginning of fall is a good time for that. Today I would like to describe four methods that make the body fitter and more resilient and also improve its appearance. And I'm not talking about expensive pills, formulas or eventual spa visits.
Everyone has the means for a small detoxification according to TerLiMa at hand. According to Kneipp, we use clear water and a brush or a natural sponge. What do you drink during the day and evening? Tea, coffee, milk, juices, alcoholic beverages should all be stopped for three days. drink water Yes, water is and remains the best and at the same time cheapest food. And I don't mean expensive waters from the shop shelf. No, just tap water.
In most places in Germany drinking water from the tap is perfectly acceptable. It is best to provide 2-3 liters for each day and drink throughout the day and evening. The liver is cleaned as well as the kidneys. Toxins are flushed out of the body. Pay attention to a good departure! But as the saying goes, water is for washing... So wash with clear water for three days. So consciously avoid soaps and bath additives. Then use a good brush during the bath and gently rub the whole body with it.
Separated skin cells are thereby removed, the immune and lymphatic systems are stimulated. And: Cellulite, the notorious orange peel skin where toxins accumulate, is reduced. And it doesn't matter if brushing wet or dry. Always towards the heart.
But even that is not very important. TerLiMa has already reported on the brush technology in earlier articles. In addition to water, breath is of particular importance for detoxification.
Try breathing consciously. You may even try and use different yoga breathing methods. You can't go wrong with this. Every consciously executed breath means a gain. Better breathing supplies the body with more oxygen. Consciously draw in the air deeply with your diaphragm.
Take a few moments several times a day to breathe deeply. With more oxygen, the body tissue is then detoxified. Smokers don't have to give up their addiction right away. But even here, a slight reduction in consumption can work wonders.
My last tip. TV off! Try surviving three days without a TV, even without a PC or other electronic entertainment. This detoxifies the mind, sleep becomes calmer and you feel more balanced. And who is normally surrounded by many people every day, looking for peace and contemplation for three days and also being alone once in a while.
Good luck and enjoy detoxing!