Showing posts with label Anti-aging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anti-aging. Show all posts

28 Dec 2019

Life is like a river

Life is like a river. With one start and one end. It is always better water quality found if the river is in motion. Keep moving yourself.

26 Dec 2019

Club 115 believes in daily action

Longevity at Club 115 is not a matter of a certain life span. How old someone might become or not. What matters is the anti-aging spirit in daily life. The daily approach for well being, happiness and leading a good full life is more important than to add another year on the calendar.

The motto should be >>>   Daily for future  

9 Dec 2019

First man who lives up to 115 years

I will be the first man who lives up to 115 years on proven records. Not talking about any "old 160 year ones from the Caucasian area :) ".

With the attitude of this club 115 you can join me.

It is easy possible to live up to 115 years!

3 Dec 2019

Shopping stroll

What can I buy nice for the price of 1 box of cigarettes?

What can I buy for the price of 2 packs of cigarettes alternatively beautiful?

What can I buy nice for the price of 4 boxes of cigarettes?

What can I buy nice for the price of 5 boxes of cigarettes?

What can I buy nice for the price of 6 boxes of cigarettes?

What else can I buy for the price of 7 boxes of cigarettes?

What can I buy nice for the price of 8 boxes of cigarettes?

What else can I buy for the price of 9 boxes of cigarettes?

What can I buy nice for the price of 10 boxes of cigarettes?

What can I buy nice for the price of 11 boxes of cigarettes?

What can I buy nice for the price of 12 boxes of cigarettes?

What can I buy nice for the price of 13 boxes of cigarettes?

What else can I buy for the price of 14 boxes of cigarettes?

What can I buy nice alternatively for the price of 15 boxes of cigarettes?

What else can I buy for the price of 16 boxes of cigarettes?

What can I buy nice for the price of 17 boxes of cigarettes?

What else can I buy for the price of 18 boxes of cigarettes?

What can I buy nice for the price of 19 boxes of cigarettes?

What can I buy nice for the price of 20 boxes of cigarettes?

What else can I buy for the price of 21 boxes of cigarettes?

What else can I buy for the price of 22 boxes of cigarettes?

What else can I buy for the price of 23 boxes of cigarettes?

What can I buy nice for the price of 24 boxes of cigarettes?

What can I buy nice for the price of 25 boxes of cigarettes?

What else can I buy for the price of 26 boxes of cigarettes?

What can I buy nice for the price of 27 boxes of cigarettes?

What can I buy nice for the price of 28 boxes of cigarettes?

What else can I buy for the price of 29 boxes of cigarettes?

What else can I buy for the price of 30 boxes of cigarettes?

What can I buy nice for the price of 31 boxes of cigarettes?

What can I buy nice for the price of 32 boxes of cigarettes?

What can I buy nice for the price of 33 boxes of cigarettes?

PS. The average smoker smokes 33 packages a month in Germany.

1 Dec 2019

100 things to do to reach 100 years

The first seven

1. Don't eat dead white bread.
2. Never do "TV marathon". Best if you don't have a television in the first place.
3. Avoid obesity! BMI can be an indicator to help.
4. Keep your teeth clean.
5. Always wash your hands proper. Of course, don't overdo it or become obsessive.
6. Be slim
7. Stay away from alcohol. Never, or if at all only moderate consumption.

... and 101 is always: Be happy and have fun in life!

16 Nov 2019

Look after yourself

You have got only this one boat. Look after it! This says Master Horst D. Lindenau

3 Nov 2019

Seek nature

Autumn now unfolds the most beautiful colours and shapes, especially in the forest or in parks. Do a long walk, just take a stroll and soak up the fresh air, let your mind wander. It's worth even in the evenings. Turn off the TV and get out! We have become too much "inside people".

26 Oct 2019

To live long is the same than to live today

When we aim for a long life, we have to consider that the whole lifetime consists of single individual days. Treat every single day with care and be aware of all these beautiful years they lay in front of you. But this is only a precious gift if you respect this day.

30 Sept 2019

Move - move - move!

"How is it that possible I have quietly gained 25 kg since my 20th birthday?

 "And even though I always eat healthy and conscious and even do sports regularly "

Well, that's easy to explain. Today, you're weighing 25 kg more, which means you've only gained about 0.8 kg on average over the past 30 years. And that comes naturally unnoticed. The
clothes size does not change in one fell swoop, no one draws your attention to it, because it is almost unnoticeable.

The reason for such a slow weight gain, despite active membership in the sports club is due to the daily routine. Even if we e.g. being physically challenged at work and even exercising actively once a week, it is not enough to clear the balance between food intake and calorie needs / burns.

Scientists at the US University of Missouri have researched that a predominantly sedentary lifestyle and work style can not be compensated by the occasional walk to the gym or other sports activities.

What's missing are 10,000 steps per day, the scientists say. Accordingly, physical inactivity is the main reason for the development of chronic diseases such as diabetes or obesity.

Therefor >>> out of the TV chair!
Gardening is a very good activity to stay trim and fit

27 Sept 2019

Why would you want to live long?

Usually when you young one doesn't think much often about death or how old we will get. Everybody want to become old, but nobody likes to be old. so how does that go together?

Easy, live every moment to the full, means respect and feel alright with what you do and have to do. And leave the vicious circle of age by certain years behind you.
Childhood doesn't end with 15 and over 25 is not an adult. 65 is not a pensioner and 75 not the average year to die. Never, I mean never think in these boxes. Aim for at least 115 years and instantly you feel more powerful, younger and ... better!

28 Jul 2019

Club 115 can give you the most wanted

What goes up and never down? It is your age.

As time goes by you get older and "your" time runs out.
Day by day.

Wouldn't it be great to add some time to your life?
Yes it would!

But how?
Join Club 115 and you will get what you most wanted.


3 Jun 2019

I am a lucky man

It is well known in science of anti-aging that the most extraordinary instances of longevity are found among those who amidst bodily labour, in the open air, leading a simple life agreeable to nature, such as gardeners and sailors!

My garden in may this year
I spent 25 years out there. Wonderful time!

25 May 2019

Today many older people can achieve high performance

There are many examples like the Indian Fauje Singh, who completes marathons at the age of 100 years. Or the German Clemens Wittig, who still has fabulous times on long runs at 75 and holds several age-group records.

Even the 63-year-old Hajo Palm impresses with fitness. If you can handle the rock-hard desert race "Bad water Run", you can be sure of that. The Canadian Ed Whitlock, who still strolls daily around the cemetery at the beginning of 80, is another example. And still runs times that other ambitious long distance runners only can dream of. At age 73, he ran a three hour marathon! No one has ever done that before.

Are these only exceptions? At the time yes, but the exceptions are becoming more and more the rule. Old age is not what we have learned in the past. It needs a complete different approach.
Master Horst D. Lindenau running a 10 km competition in Bremen/Germany

14 May 2019

The woods are good for us

When was the last time you visited the forest? Is it quite some time ago? Well, then it's time to plan another long walk. The forest keeps you healthy. Whether walkers, cyclists, riders, joggers or hikers. Everyone can use the forest in their own way. However, so that everyone can enjoy their trip in the forest undisturbed, it is of course necessary to take into account the forest, its animals and plants 
and of course other recreation seekers. For example, smoking in the woods should really be completely out.

The forest ecosystem is a partnership that is characterised by high stability and diversity. As a long-lived ecosystem, the forest is capable of self-regulation and contains a lot of biomass. The great benefit for the forest visitor is not only in the good, fresh air, but also peace and certain loneliness bring high health value. Mind and soul recover at the sight of nature.

12 May 2019

The food you eat - enjoy!

The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful medicine.
Or the slowest form of poison you take.

19 Apr 2019

Sleep better tonight

65 % of American adults do not get eight hours of sleep at night, about 70 million suffer from insomnia, and according to the National Sleep Foundation, nearly seven out of ten report frequent sleeping problems* …so far the statistics…

There is a link of sleep disorders and sleep deprivation to a host of ills, including an increased risk of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, depression, heart attack, and stroke.
You should know that our daily dose of shut-eye regulates the weight, strengthens our immunity, protects our cardiovascular health, repairs our tissues and cells, and restores our energy.
Go to bed now!

4 Apr 2019

Bye bye stress

Stress takes a toll on your body
Everyone at some point feels the effects of stress and many don’t know how to deal with it. I am not talking about the positive stress. No, just the negative one which is far more known as “stress” is a problem. 

To escape this stress by using alcohol, smoking or taking drugs makes matters worse and causing even more problems. Stress becomes a negative factor when a person faces continuous challenges without any time mixed in for relief of it. As a result, people become overworked and stress-related anxiety and illness shows. Stress causes people to breathe harder and usually the wrong way. 

And good breathing is essential for good (long) living. People who are stressed eat much more than usual. Sometimes they will eat much less. When you’re stressed, the brain sends alert sensations to the stomach. Your stomach can react with nausea or pain. Severe stress can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, or constipation. 

If this stress becomes chronic, you can develop ulcers. The best thing to do is learn to manage stress. You won’t avoid stress entirely, but it is possible to minimise the effects by eating healthy, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and taking care of yourself in general. And watch the breathing!
No stress > longevity!

28 Mar 2019

Turn water into wine

It is well known that expectations of a malady can be as dangerous as a virus. In the same way that shamans could harm their victims through the power of suggestion, priming someone to think they are ill can often produce the actual symptoms of a disease. Vomiting, dizziness, headaches, and even death, could be triggered through belief alone. It is called the “No-cebo effect”.

In the same way thoughts can influence any object and even a thought itself. This is a very important step, to understand longevity and use the mind as a tool in anti-aging. Master Horst D. Lindenau has performed this experiment, which is truly mind blowing.

Three glasses were filled with organic rice and pure water from a well. All three glasses were then placed in the same condition in one room and treated over a period with very different mind patterns. The outcome is astonishing. As in one jar the rice started growing in another one the water turned into mould.

1 Mar 2019

Are you an indoor or outdoor type?

The most important factors
to recover and well being are daylight
and fresh air.

Therefore, the call to everyone:

Get out as much as possible

and spend more time outdoors than indoors.

This is the way to good health.

Live during daylight and sleep in the dark.
Go for a walk and think about life.

11 Feb 2019

Water. Water. And again water.

Water is the most important commodity for life

It's a fact > Water shortage indifferent areas of your body will manifest varying symptoms, signal and complications labelled DISEASES.

It's a fact > Chronic dehydration of the body is like any other deficiency disorder. Vitamin deficiency, iron or even sunlight deficiency.

It's a fact > What you drink all day, coffee, tea, lemonades or even alcohol does not feed your body with the water so much needed.

Go and have a glass of water now!


And for an emergency it is always no.1 priority to have sufficient water supply