16 Nov 2019

Look after yourself

You have got only this one boat. Look after it! This says Master Horst D. Lindenau

15 Nov 2019

After rain comes sunshine

Everyone knows that. All seems to be going well there, life is only seen through pink and red glasses and suddenly, often without warning, fate turns into misfortune. No one should believe that he or she has leased the fortune, as the vernacular says so aptly. And yet, there seems to be a difference, considering the individual different people. There are some that stand out from the general vale of tears and they always seem a bit better off than the masses. On the other hand, some fall on, which seems to be the bad luck in the cradle.

I believe that has also a lot to do with positive and negative. Those with a lot of negative always see everything black first, always doubting and viewing the world around them as hostile terrain. Her negative attitude to life does not allow their fate to often show the good side. On the other hand, whoever possesses much positive, a positive attitude towards life, will often have what is generally called happiness. Because luck is generated and not won as usually suspected in the lottery.
And if fate also serves the one with the positive attitude to life, then it is always good to know, after rain comes again sun.

Photo: Oil Painting, The red lake, P. and H. Kuchta, 1976

3 Nov 2019

Seek nature

Autumn now unfolds the most beautiful colours and shapes, especially in the forest or in parks. Do a long walk, just take a stroll and soak up the fresh air, let your mind wander. It's worth even in the evenings. Turn off the TV and get out! We have become too much "inside people".

26 Oct 2019

To live long is the same than to live today

When we aim for a long life, we have to consider that the whole lifetime consists of single individual days. Treat every single day with care and be aware of all these beautiful years they lay in front of you. But this is only a precious gift if you respect this day.

16 Oct 2019

Out of body experience

My friend Zen master Mark Horemans first told me about out of body experience in 1990. He talked of his travels to distant planets and even of temporarily leaving the solar system.

Out of body experience OOBE, is the name given to the temporary separation of the ego from the physical body. After many exercises with Mark I was later able to not only mentally leave my own body, but also let others participate in the experience.

For example, we have "flown" around the church towers in my home town Bremen/Germany and on another occasion we spent an hour across the high cliffs in the south of England and at that time we went out to the sea too. Out of body experience can be studied by many.

Basically it serves to enrich and expand the consciousness. For those who are currently incapable of thinking this way, it is said that this is a similar method to self-hypnosis in a higher form and absolutely harmless to the performer.

30 Sept 2019

Move - move - move!

"How is it that possible I have quietly gained 25 kg since my 20th birthday?

 "And even though I always eat healthy and conscious and even do sports regularly "

Well, that's easy to explain. Today, you're weighing 25 kg more, which means you've only gained about 0.8 kg on average over the past 30 years. And that comes naturally unnoticed. The
clothes size does not change in one fell swoop, no one draws your attention to it, because it is almost unnoticeable.

The reason for such a slow weight gain, despite active membership in the sports club is due to the daily routine. Even if we e.g. being physically challenged at work and even exercising actively once a week, it is not enough to clear the balance between food intake and calorie needs / burns.

Scientists at the US University of Missouri have researched that a predominantly sedentary lifestyle and work style can not be compensated by the occasional walk to the gym or other sports activities.

What's missing are 10,000 steps per day, the scientists say. Accordingly, physical inactivity is the main reason for the development of chronic diseases such as diabetes or obesity.

Therefor >>> out of the TV chair!
Gardening is a very good activity to stay trim and fit

27 Sept 2019

Why would you want to live long?

Usually when you young one doesn't think much often about death or how old we will get. Everybody want to become old, but nobody likes to be old. so how does that go together?

Easy, live every moment to the full, means respect and feel alright with what you do and have to do. And leave the vicious circle of age by certain years behind you.
Childhood doesn't end with 15 and over 25 is not an adult. 65 is not a pensioner and 75 not the average year to die. Never, I mean never think in these boxes. Aim for at least 115 years and instantly you feel more powerful, younger and ... better!

22 Aug 2019

Drink plenty of water

It is very easy, even in a modern world were water is available 24/7 in good quality in most places, to be constantly dehydrated.
As we know to drink beverages like coffee, Coca Cola or energy drinks does not add to the daily requirements of water intake, one gets easy dehydrated without being aware.
The thirst might be satisfied, but the body still has not enough of the pure water which is so much necessary for a healthy life and the longevity.
Pure water is the best for the body

15 Aug 2019

TerLiMa has changed to Club 115

The new domain for our popular blog is now club115.blogspot.com
This way we can deliver more clearly towards our main issue, the longevity with anti-aging.
Stay tuned!

31 Jul 2019

Breakfast in bed

... cosy and nice ... ", as beautiful as this melody sounds, it depends primarily on what is available for breakfast: a large plate of banana, orange, tomato, apple of course and a pear start the day energetically, you feel invigorated but not bottled, and for the slim line, it's also better than eggs and bacon.

Photo: large fruit plate, Terlima 2010

28 Jul 2019

Club 115 can give you the most wanted

What goes up and never down? It is your age.

As time goes by you get older and "your" time runs out.
Day by day.

Wouldn't it be great to add some time to your life?
Yes it would!

But how?
Join Club 115 and you will get what you most wanted.


3 Jun 2019

I am a lucky man

It is well known in science of anti-aging that the most extraordinary instances of longevity are found among those who amidst bodily labour, in the open air, leading a simple life agreeable to nature, such as gardeners and sailors!

My garden in may this year
I spent 25 years out there. Wonderful time!

25 May 2019

Today many older people can achieve high performance

There are many examples like the Indian Fauje Singh, who completes marathons at the age of 100 years. Or the German Clemens Wittig, who still has fabulous times on long runs at 75 and holds several age-group records.

Even the 63-year-old Hajo Palm impresses with fitness. If you can handle the rock-hard desert race "Bad water Run", you can be sure of that. The Canadian Ed Whitlock, who still strolls daily around the cemetery at the beginning of 80, is another example. And still runs times that other ambitious long distance runners only can dream of. At age 73, he ran a three hour marathon! No one has ever done that before.

Are these only exceptions? At the time yes, but the exceptions are becoming more and more the rule. Old age is not what we have learned in the past. It needs a complete different approach.
Master Horst D. Lindenau running a 10 km competition in Bremen/Germany

14 May 2019

The woods are good for us

When was the last time you visited the forest? Is it quite some time ago? Well, then it's time to plan another long walk. The forest keeps you healthy. Whether walkers, cyclists, riders, joggers or hikers. Everyone can use the forest in their own way. However, so that everyone can enjoy their trip in the forest undisturbed, it is of course necessary to take into account the forest, its animals and plants 
and of course other recreation seekers. For example, smoking in the woods should really be completely out.

The forest ecosystem is a partnership that is characterised by high stability and diversity. As a long-lived ecosystem, the forest is capable of self-regulation and contains a lot of biomass. The great benefit for the forest visitor is not only in the good, fresh air, but also peace and certain loneliness bring high health value. Mind and soul recover at the sight of nature.

12 May 2019

The food you eat - enjoy!

The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful medicine.
Or the slowest form of poison you take.

7 May 2019

Test your stress level

I find this little test quite astonishing. It is very simple but it works. I have tested it myself and the result is worth to pass this little tool on to you. I came back from a bike ride through rush hour, windy and cold day, switched the computer on and the image seemed to roll on.
Other day I checked it out after the daily meditation. Absolutely standstill.
Clever thing that is :)

19 Apr 2019

Sleep better tonight

65 % of American adults do not get eight hours of sleep at night, about 70 million suffer from insomnia, and according to the National Sleep Foundation, nearly seven out of ten report frequent sleeping problems* …so far the statistics…

There is a link of sleep disorders and sleep deprivation to a host of ills, including an increased risk of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, depression, heart attack, and stroke.
You should know that our daily dose of shut-eye regulates the weight, strengthens our immunity, protects our cardiovascular health, repairs our tissues and cells, and restores our energy.
Go to bed now!

12 Apr 2019

Worth knowing about yoga

Strangely enough, yoga is always somehow transfigured. Yoga is simple and alone the all-encompassing system for body and mind.

Good to know >>>

  • There are many yoga styles in, there is something for everyone. Yoga ranges from a gentle category for the elderly or ill people to a power professional group.
  • Yoga is the ideal supplement for athletes. There is nothing better.
  • Forget about these circus acrobats. Yoga is more than just a balancing act, just because you were forced to play ballet as a child and do now the full split or bending over does not proof a good yoga performance.
  • And yoga is really not just for women. Men, join in!!!
  • And of course, I personally like Tantra-Yoga best.

7 Apr 2019

Flank change

It's been 20 years now I was in a conflict regarding a journey. Actually, I wanted to go to Germany, but somehow I felt more, it should be London instead. And I could not make up my mind.

A good friend then gave me the crucial idea. “Go to Scotland!” he said. Scotland? I would not have thought about that in my dreams. For too many days I had been thinking about the advantages and disadvantages of visiting London compared to visit Germany.

But that's how life is very often. There are supposedly only two ways out. Either the train turns left or right. OK, that may be true and better in case of a train the train, but we can also look for a third choice. Scotland.
Make a decision. Left, right for the train. You have more options.

4 Apr 2019

Bye bye stress

Stress takes a toll on your body
Everyone at some point feels the effects of stress and many don’t know how to deal with it. I am not talking about the positive stress. No, just the negative one which is far more known as “stress” is a problem. 

To escape this stress by using alcohol, smoking or taking drugs makes matters worse and causing even more problems. Stress becomes a negative factor when a person faces continuous challenges without any time mixed in for relief of it. As a result, people become overworked and stress-related anxiety and illness shows. Stress causes people to breathe harder and usually the wrong way. 

And good breathing is essential for good (long) living. People who are stressed eat much more than usual. Sometimes they will eat much less. When you’re stressed, the brain sends alert sensations to the stomach. Your stomach can react with nausea or pain. Severe stress can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, or constipation. 

If this stress becomes chronic, you can develop ulcers. The best thing to do is learn to manage stress. You won’t avoid stress entirely, but it is possible to minimise the effects by eating healthy, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and taking care of yourself in general. And watch the breathing!
No stress > longevity!

2 Apr 2019

Everything has an end

Decay is inherent in all compounded things.
Strive on, with diligence.

28 Mar 2019

Turn water into wine

It is well known that expectations of a malady can be as dangerous as a virus. In the same way that shamans could harm their victims through the power of suggestion, priming someone to think they are ill can often produce the actual symptoms of a disease. Vomiting, dizziness, headaches, and even death, could be triggered through belief alone. It is called the “No-cebo effect”.

In the same way thoughts can influence any object and even a thought itself. This is a very important step, to understand longevity and use the mind as a tool in anti-aging. Master Horst D. Lindenau has performed this experiment, which is truly mind blowing.

Three glasses were filled with organic rice and pure water from a well. All three glasses were then placed in the same condition in one room and treated over a period with very different mind patterns. The outcome is astonishing. As in one jar the rice started growing in another one the water turned into mould.

19 Mar 2019

Most illnesses are not only an individual problem

As a result of the today's deformation of society as a whole I like to say that illness is not just an individual problem.

Don't take me wrong, as you know me, I am not looking here for an easy excuse. Too many people would like the easy route and just blame others or even the whole world, the time we live in, the genes, the weather...

No, no, unless something is done about the deformed world that we live in and unless we can sort that problem, unless that more people will suffer.

You for yourself shall start today:

A healthy spirit most comfortable resides in a healthy body! 

We know that. Than act accordingly!
Your boat (body) needs to be fit for the voyage.

1 Mar 2019

Are you an indoor or outdoor type?

The most important factors
to recover and well being are daylight
and fresh air.

Therefore, the call to everyone:

Get out as much as possible

and spend more time outdoors than indoors.

This is the way to good health.

Live during daylight and sleep in the dark.
Go for a walk and think about life.

17 Feb 2019

Think ahead to a bright future - No limits for me

Club 115 – What it means

Club 115 unites all people who aim to become 115 years old

New members can join at any age

Club 115 supports its members to live 
meaningful and healthy up to 115 years

Club 115 is part of the TerLiMa system

16 Feb 2019

What is TerLiMa?

What is TerLiMa?
TerLiMa is short for Terrestrial Life Management.

Terrestrial > because TerLiMa orientates at solid fixed points. As the terrestrial navigation in the maritime world. Fixed points, solid reference points give you help and advise for your life.

Life > That's you and the whole of the universe.

Management > without a solid management nothing works. Nor does your life. TerLiMa is the tool to manage ones life in the best possible way.

11 Feb 2019

Water. Water. And again water.

Water is the most important commodity for life

It's a fact > Water shortage indifferent areas of your body will manifest varying symptoms, signal and complications labelled DISEASES.

It's a fact > Chronic dehydration of the body is like any other deficiency disorder. Vitamin deficiency, iron or even sunlight deficiency.

It's a fact > What you drink all day, coffee, tea, lemonades or even alcohol does not feed your body with the water so much needed.

Go and have a glass of water now!


And for an emergency it is always no.1 priority to have sufficient water supply

8 Feb 2019

Long life comes with good health

Healthy body - healthy mind - healthy you

31 Jan 2019

Connect to nature. Best at the sea

If you live near the coast you should go as often you can and connect with the sea. Any weather is good for that. The air, the view, the pure nature and beauty.

30 Jan 2019

Smoking gives you a cup of tar for your lungs

Want to join club 115?
Become 115 years old?
Then stop bloody smoking! 
Most stupid thing to do -
 and easy to stop this nasty habit.

Rule no 2 for the club 115

Time is life - And life is time

We at club 115 aim for a life span of minimum 115 years. Come and join us! Time is life - time is precious!

29 Jan 2019

You like to join club 115

Club 115 is for people they made a clear decision. 
They aim to live up to the age of 115 (one hundred fifteen) years.
And that's dead 😊😊😊 easy!
From application on you just follow the 115 rules. 
After you introduced yourself to the 115 rules you are in!

(Rule no 1 for the club 115)
Eat a lot of fresh salads

24 Jan 2019


The basic principle of nutrition, from the TerLiMa perspective,
 is to eat small quantities of high quality foods. The high quality foods are those which promote the life force of the body without producing toxins. The recommended foods are vegetables, fruits, whole grains and nuts. Fish and meats can be added in moderation. Club 115 principles of nutrition are very similar to what science has discovered in more recent times. And of course, you should eat what makes you happy.

Healthy food = healthy you !

6 Dec 2018

Join club 115 and lets live life longer together

Club 115 is for those they want to live 115 years. 
You can join whatever age you are. Use the contact form on this page. 

Join club 115 and live together 115 years

30 Sept 2018

Choose the people around you for your needs

Life is not only a one man show. You need to have people around you, they are good for you. Be ruthless and disconnect from those they don't want you to be happy and succeed.

15 Sept 2018

What is TerLiMa?

What is TerLiMa? TerLiMa stands short for Terrestrial Life Management.

6 Jul 2018

You are what you eat

Just that simple. Good health > good mood > good life has one major key and that is called good food. What you eat - you are!

Although a well trained man who has mastered the Yoga and wisdom of life is able to eat nearly anything without damage to his body, these choices should be kept for the moments when good food is rare or totally unavailable.

27 Jun 2018

Wise words

"A body at rest tends to stay at rest 

whereas a body in motion tends to stay in motion"

Isaac Newton

Wer rastet der rostet!

(Who rests rusts!)

 German proverb

 Keep moving...

15 Jun 2018

Go and look out to the sea

Over 70% of the earths surface is covered by our oceans. It is not a coincidence, that our body consists too of 70 % of water. If you want to recognise yourself and learn about life go and spend time at the sea. Master Horst D. Lindenau is a former navy captain and has sailed the seven seas. This is the most intensive experience with life.

16 May 2018

Sugar sugar - honey honey

No it is not about this famous song. It is about sugar only - no honey this time! Sugar proves to be a stuff when taken in vast amounts like a drug as heroin and so.

Sugar wrecks our health. Causes illness like diabetes type 2 and obesity. Heart disease, cancer and the teeth are suffering too! And sugar is not only this legal drug. It is also cheap, always available and once hooked on to it it is very addictive and difficult to come off it.
Here is a good information about this stuff. Very interesting to read with more links to get deeper into it. Enjoy!


9 May 2018

Breath in - and out!

Life energy has many names from many cultures. Ki, spirit and prana, but what does it do?
Life energy is about bringing true healing from within.

When we see the doctors we are prescribed drugs that will relieve the symptoms of the disorder but it does not cure us. Because the reason for being ill is still present. Any true cure involves changes to one’s lifestyle and to how we perceive ourselves, in other words the physical and psychological being.

Each breath we take is life energy which in turn enters our body through meridians energizing major organs and tissues. Any imbalance to the flow of energy will lead to ill health. The Hebrew term “Ruah” comes from “Ruh” meaning to breath the power of manifestation, or energy.

Shakespeare wrote: " O spirit of love, the spirit which heals." When we are healthy we are full of energy, spirit and love.
I truly believe that if we treat ourselves holistically, that we will become whole again and live our lives as they were meant to be.

3 Apr 2018

Three quick fix for longevity from TerLiMa

1. Get enough sleep of good quality
Sleep quality is huge important. If you’re not regularly sleeping your personal required hours per night, your body does not have time to repair. The amount of sleep has to be individual found. If you waking up tired even after sufficient hours of sleep, than there is a problem with your sleep quality. Low melatonin production (sleep in the dark!), sleep apnoea and easily corrected factors like too much alcohol or caffeine can be the reason.

2. Eat well
This is simple. Eat lots of fresh vegetables and fruits especially no processed foods. Home-cooked meals keep you lively.

3. Stay always active
As you age it takes much more effort to maintain muscle mass and muscle tone. Therefore you need to exercise often. One caution though is to be gentle with your joints. If any sport causes hip and knee pain, consider a different one.

7 Mar 2018

Age is just a number

Not long ago, many health problems experienced by older people were simply put down to their advancing years.

Fortunately, attitudes are changing. Fewer doctors are likely to tell you: "What else can you expect at your time of life?"

Today it is generally accepted that old age is not a diagnosis or a disease.

Indeed, most problems in later life are not caused by the ageing process itself. However, we should all be aware of the changes in our bodies as we grow older and take action to avoid damage to our health.

You start today by following this blog.

4 Mar 2018

You can become easy 115 years old

Did you hear that?

You can become easy 115 years old.

And this is only the basic or call it the realistic approach to what we call life span / death etc.

Other sources talk about a target at around 500 years.

Well, I have no further information on that. But I keep you informed.

8 Dec 2017

Always take two steps at a time

Why is that?
Always take two steps on the stairs when going up. That keeps the witches away (Old English wisdom, about 15th century). If this is difficult to believe today by modern standards, just try it. You will be definitely fit, with or without a witch.

6 Dec 2017

Regular training keeps you going

Regular training does not only keeps you fit, but it's fun!
Especially important to train are:
Keep on mind, who adhere to this rule avoid unnecessary suffering and grief in the future for themselves and their loved ones.

17 Oct 2017

How old are you?

Photo: From US TV Yoga broadcast, 66 year old

Born on 12.12.83, so I am...? Funny, I feel really older today.
No, I do not think so now. You look really younger.
You do not ask a woman about age.
If I'm a pensioner, then ...
The age which certifies the birth certificate unfortunately does not coincide in most cases with the age, which looks at us at morning in the mirror image. When I'm 30, what do I look like? How old will I get? No, I do not want to be like my mother as old at the retirement home. Nothing is as old as trying to be young. Age before beauty. Why does age matter at all?
TerLiMa yoga is anti-aging. You do not have to run around like a fossil and have just passed the 40. Do yoga, eat half! Think young, go out and communicate with the world. Be active yourself.


11 Oct 2017

Empty benches

Again and again I meet on my jogging tours or while walking these empty park benches. Even in the most beautiful sunshine, there are hardly any people who accept this wonderful offer and sit on a free bench. Free, calm and relaxed sitting in the sun, maybe a little chat with others. But that has to do with a corresponding culture. Once I was in St. Petersburg and there people sit at the smallest sunbeam around on the many benches. Do it like the Petersburger: out and sit on the benches!

Get rid of these extra pounds!

Photo: TerLiMa lunch, carrots and apple, 2017

Those who carry too many kilos with them are not only living dangerous towards themselves. I say he / she lives quite exhausting. Just imagine, you always have to carry two buckets of water with you. Every day, everywhere, that's 20 kg.

And that extra weight an obese person carries around, if not more! The only way to get away from it is to be consistent. Good bye fast food! Bringing more exercise into everyday life does not necessarily mean degenerating into sports. Every day a good walk is a great start. The easiest way is with TerLiMa weight reduction.


22 Sept 2017

Always take two steps at a time

From the "white magic" it is known that one should always take two steps at a time when climbing stairs. That keeps the witches away!

And to do so not only keeps you fit, but is also a good indicator of your own fitness.

3 Dec 2016

Health is not everything

Health is not everything.

But without health, everything is nothing.

20 Oct 2016

Prinz Philip talks about TV

The British Prince Philip blasphemes on modern television sets in his own way. "To find out how a TV works, you have to practically sleep with it," said the famous for his sayings spouse of Queen Elizabeth II have made on YouTube. And quite royal on the official royal channel of the Internet portal YouTube.

The prince wonders how tolerant people behave towards these dreadful things. Because even modern remote controls are made miserable, one would ultimately have to lie in front of the TV to serve it. "In the past, the TV was put on the floor, and then the manufacturers put the buttons at the bottom so you had to lie down on the floor," said the 88-year-old royal old in a video.

Unfortunately, the prince has not explained so far that you should completely banish these "things". But does it require royal help to be wise yourself? I do not think today. So, get rid of the TV and out to the real world.

Photo: Says it all!

2 Oct 2016

Yoga is the best

Worth knowing about yoga

Strangely enough, yoga is always somehow transfigured. Yoga is simple and alone the all-encompassing system for body and mind.

Good to know:

1. There are so many yoga styles, there is something for everyone. From a gentle group for women to a power women's group. And men too of course!

2. Yoga is the ideal supplement for athletes. There is nothing better.

3. Forget about these circus acrobats. Yoga is more than just a balancing act, just because you were forced to play ballet as a child and can do now some Asanas.

4. And yoga is really not just for women. Men, join in! Although most are women.