31 Jan 2019
Connect to nature. Best at the sea
30 Jan 2019
Smoking gives you a cup of tar for your lungs
Time is life - And life is time
29 Jan 2019
You like to join club 115
24 Jan 2019
6 Dec 2018
Join club 115 and lets live life longer together
Join club 115 and live together 115 years
30 Sept 2018
Choose the people around you for your needs
15 Sept 2018
6 Jul 2018
You are what you eat
Although a well trained man who has mastered the Yoga and wisdom of life is able to eat nearly anything without damage to his body, these choices should be kept for the moments when good food is rare or totally unavailable.
27 Jun 2018
Wise words
"A body at rest tends to stay at rest
whereas a body in motion tends to stay in motion"
Wer rastet der rostet!
(Who rests rusts!)
15 Jun 2018
Go and look out to the sea
Over 70% of the earths surface is covered by our oceans. It is not a coincidence, that our body consists too of 70 % of water. If you want to recognise yourself and learn about life go and spend time at the sea. Master Horst D. Lindenau is a former navy captain and has sailed the seven seas. This is the most intensive experience with life.
16 May 2018
Sugar sugar - honey honey
Sugar wrecks our health. Causes illness like diabetes type 2 and obesity. Heart disease, cancer and the teeth are suffering too! And sugar is not only this legal drug. It is also cheap, always available and once hooked on to it it is very addictive and difficult to come off it.
Here is a good information about this stuff. Very interesting to read with more links to get deeper into it. Enjoy!
9 May 2018
Breath in - and out!
Life energy is about bringing true healing from within.
When we see the doctors we are prescribed drugs that will relieve the symptoms of the disorder but it does not cure us. Because the reason for being ill is still present. Any true cure involves changes to one’s lifestyle and to how we perceive ourselves, in other words the physical and psychological being.
Each breath we take is life energy which in turn enters our body through meridians energizing major organs and tissues. Any imbalance to the flow of energy will lead to ill health. The Hebrew term “Ruah” comes from “Ruh” meaning to breath the power of manifestation, or energy.
Shakespeare wrote: " O spirit of love, the spirit which heals." When we are healthy we are full of energy, spirit and love.
I truly believe that if we treat ourselves holistically, that we will become whole again and live our lives as they were meant to be.
3 Apr 2018
Three quick fix for longevity from TerLiMa
Sleep quality is huge important. If you’re not regularly sleeping your personal required hours per night, your body does not have time to repair. The amount of sleep has to be individual found. If you waking up tired even after sufficient hours of sleep, than there is a problem with your sleep quality. Low melatonin production (sleep in the dark!), sleep apnoea and easily corrected factors like too much alcohol or caffeine can be the reason.
2. Eat well
This is simple. Eat lots of fresh vegetables and fruits especially no processed foods. Home-cooked meals keep you lively.
3. Stay always active
As you age it takes much more effort to maintain muscle mass and muscle tone. Therefore you need to exercise often. One caution though is to be gentle with your joints. If any sport causes hip and knee pain, consider a different one.
7 Mar 2018
Age is just a number
4 Mar 2018
You can become easy 115 years old
You can become easy 115 years old.
And this is only the basic or call it the realistic approach to what we call life span / death etc.
Other sources talk about a target at around 500 years.
Well, I have no further information on that. But I keep you informed.
8 Dec 2017
Always take two steps at a time
Always take two steps on the stairs when going up. That keeps the witches away (Old English wisdom, about 15th century). If this is difficult to believe today by modern standards, just try it. You will be definitely fit, with or without a witch.
6 Dec 2017
Regular training keeps you going
Especially important to train are:
Keep on mind, who adhere to this rule avoid unnecessary suffering and grief in the future for themselves and their loved ones.
17 Oct 2017
How old are you?
Photo: From US TV Yoga broadcast, 66 year old
Born on 12.12.83, so I am...? Funny, I feel really older today.
No, I do not think so now. You look really younger.
You do not ask a woman about age.
If I'm a pensioner, then ...
The age which certifies the birth certificate unfortunately does not coincide in most cases with the age, which looks at us at morning in the mirror image. When I'm 30, what do I look like? How old will I get? No, I do not want to be like my mother as old at the retirement home. Nothing is as old as trying to be young. Age before beauty. Why does age matter at all?
TerLiMa yoga is anti-aging. You do not have to run around like a fossil and have just passed the 40. Do yoga, eat half! Think young, go out and communicate with the world. Be active yourself.
11 Oct 2017
Empty benches
Again and again I meet on my jogging tours or while walking these empty park benches. Even in the most beautiful sunshine, there are hardly any people who accept this wonderful offer and sit on a free bench. Free, calm and relaxed sitting in the sun, maybe a little chat with others. But that has to do with a corresponding culture. Once I was in St. Petersburg and there people sit at the smallest sunbeam around on the many benches. Do it like the Petersburger: out and sit on the benches!
Get rid of these extra pounds!
Photo: TerLiMa lunch, carrots and apple, 2017
Those who carry too many kilos with them are not only living dangerous towards themselves. I say he / she lives quite exhausting. Just imagine, you always have to carry two buckets of water with you. Every day, everywhere, that's 20 kg.
And that extra weight an obese person carries around, if not more! The only way to get away from it is to be consistent. Good bye fast food! Bringing more exercise into everyday life does not necessarily mean degenerating into sports. Every day a good walk is a great start. The easiest way is with TerLiMa weight reduction.
22 Sept 2017
Always take two steps at a time
From the "white magic" it is known that one should always take two steps at a time when climbing stairs. That keeps the witches away!
And to do so not only keeps you fit, but is also a good indicator of your own fitness.
3 Dec 2016
20 Oct 2016
Prinz Philip talks about TV
The British Prince Philip blasphemes on modern television sets in his own way. "To find out how a TV works, you have to practically sleep with it," said the famous for his sayings spouse of Queen Elizabeth II have made on YouTube. And quite royal on the official royal channel of the Internet portal YouTube.
The prince wonders how tolerant people behave towards these dreadful things. Because even modern remote controls are made miserable, one would ultimately have to lie in front of the TV to serve it. "In the past, the TV was put on the floor, and then the manufacturers put the buttons at the bottom so you had to lie down on the floor," said the 88-year-old royal old in a video.
Unfortunately, the prince has not explained so far that you should completely banish these "things". But does it require royal help to be wise yourself? I do not think today. So, get rid of the TV and out to the real world.
Photo: Says it all!
2 Oct 2016
Yoga is the best
Worth knowing about yoga
Strangely enough, yoga is always somehow transfigured. Yoga is simple and alone the all-encompassing system for body and mind.
Good to know:
1. There are so many yoga styles, there is something for everyone. From a gentle group for women to a power women's group. And men too of course!
2. Yoga is the ideal supplement for athletes. There is nothing better.
3. Forget about these circus acrobats. Yoga is more than just a balancing act, just because you were forced to play ballet as a child and can do now some Asanas.
4. And yoga is really not just for women. Men, join in! Although most are women.
5 Sept 2016
Eternal validity
The past body documents the neglected brain. "
Horst D. Lindenau 1986
14 Feb 2016
5 Apr 2015
1 Apr 2015
And now again my favourite subject
21 Mar 2015
It is television
Watching too much television will shorten your life
Six hours television a day will shorten your life by five years. With this fact television is playing in the same league than smoking or obesity. This is the result of a clinical study in Australia 2012. Australians watch on average two hours TV a day, while British people spend an hour more and do three hour. And you?
Sitting, too little exercise (movements) is strong connected to a higher risk of suffering of the common diseases, especially coronary illnesses. That's what I always said. If you want to grow in your personality and live not only longer but better, you have to destroy your TV!
Critics will say now, who cares? Better live shorter and have fun in life, than end up in an old peoples place worse of than battery chicken. But this is the wrong idea of getting old and being healthy. The aim should be, as long you are alive, body and mind should be in good condition and function well. Anything else is not worth doing. By the way, I am not blind. To sit in front of the PC does the same than the TV.
Television in German is called "Fernseher". Which means about "look into the distance" You are better off to look at the real distance, for example on the beach. |
15 Feb 2015
The ashtray becomes a part of you
So what do you think, keep the ashtray?
14 Feb 2015
Where are the aliens?
13 Feb 2015
Friday the 13th
If yes, you better stay in bed today.
But even than, you might need the toilet and slip on the corridor.
Would be nice if
magic works like this.
But it does't.
Being superstitious has a lot to do with these Fridays the 13th, all these black cats and probably even bent branches in your front garden on a child's birthday.
Forget these things.
How many Fridays the 13th have you survived without any harm so far?
You see?
Magic is more than entertainment. It works.
7 Feb 2015
An apple a day...
29 Jan 2015
Very good news today
If the biggest one of the fast food giants goes down with this evil fast food, others will follow soon. It looks like, that there is a trend to the better and healthier food worldwide.
TerLiMa always supported the healthy eating cult and style and is pleased about this message.
Eat healthy - stay healthy! Beat obesity and diabetes and heart diseases with your own strength and weapon. It's your mind!
27 Jan 2015
Just use your own body to improve fitness
You improve balance and coordination and built up strength. It is therefore good to use what you always have available: just your own body. When you know how to do the right moves, you have your gym in the head.
26 Jan 2015
What is meditation? Like coming home
Symondsbury Zen garden / UK built by Master Horst D. Lindenau 1994 |
There is no easy or even royal way among all the various methods of meditation. Each way only requires hard work.
And there is no end of the path and search, no state in which we can say: now I'm at the end.
A good meditation program is similar to a physical exercise program. Both require hard work.
An important part of any kind of meditation is to do one thing at the time.
20 Jan 2015
Diabetes on the rise
Empty prosthetic. The leg amputated because of diabetic. |
A message in an English newspaper
"1 in 7 patients in our hospitals suffers from diabetes. It is predicted that the future treatment of this disease will cost more than 10 billion pounds."
TerLiMa-news reported two years ago that in the future, patients in hospitals will suffer from three diseases. Cardiovascular, diabetes and obesity. Well, on top of that there might be the odd cases of senile dementia and /or cancer. Not good prospects. And future means in the year 2023.
Men with a fat belly
Men with a flat stomach.
90% do not suffer from gallstones
70% do not develop high blood pressure
50% have no heart disease
17% have a better chance to survive the first heart attack
50% do not have erectile dysfunction
35% do not develop kidney cancer
and even 19% have an increased chance of surviving a car accident
19 Jan 2015
18 Jan 2015
TerLiMa-news is posting now in English
as I live now in England I have decided to continue the TerLiMa-news in English language. I believe it will be a better value to a wider public and on the other hand, all my German followers can use the translation button or are able to understand English anyway. While it is difficult the other way around, as only little people actually speak German. Welcome and have fun and enjoy the information shared on this blog
See if I can find a nice picture for this first English post...
Stay in touch |
6 Nov 2014
Wash the face
Unfortunately, these people are trying the easy way to healthy skin. And it does not work that way.
Who wants to keep his skin, especially the face, youthful fresh, must reach for the clear water.
Yes, right, just clear water.
And every morning and evening at least cleanse the face and massage it gently. Because in the big cities for example, of course, certain environmental pollution affects the skin, it makes sense to wash your face with clear water in between times as well.
I recommend to abstain from cosmetics and creams as often as possible. Also use soap for washing only with a sense of proportion.
Empty plates
Every time we prepare dishes and after eating, the dishes need cleaning. Some make it easy for themselves and use a dishwasher. But no matter how we get rid of the leftovers, these are always a good indicator of the quality of the food just eaten.
Those who serve fat sauces have sticky pots and plates afterwards. Coffee and black tea leave brown edges and deposits in the cup.
A fruit plate, on the other hand, can just be rinsed off, the glass of water drunk doesn't make brown edges and the salad plate just doesn't have a thick fat rim.
I just say what glues, smears and pastes the plates to me today does the same with my body in the long run.
PS. By the way, you don't have to be or become a vegetarian to eat healthily.
26 Sept 2014
Stop smoking now
After all, already about 5 million people in Germany are suffering from chronic bronchitis. I mean, cough, cough, cough and eventually rot like picture above right. Use your imagination!
Stop smoking -now!
9 Apr 2014
Maxime of the Samurai
3 Oct 2013
Medicines should be eaten
Even adding fish to your diet once a week significantly reduces the risk of heart and artery problems. Good nutrition is more than just cutting out fat and fast foods. You need to know the difference between "good" and "bad" fats, pay attention to portion size, and make good eating habits a part of your daily routine.
But the older (and more established!) a person is, the more difficult it becomes to leave old paths. For example, with the right amount of fruits and vegetables per day (I don't want to break the "5 a day" rule here), the risk of contracting cancer decreases by 20%. But less than 40% of the older generation heed this fact and linger in old habits. And the longer these old habits have us in their grip, the more difficult it becomes to switch to new ones.
18 Aug 2013
Cancer inexorably on the rise
The Robert Koch Institute reports that in Germany in 2012 almost half a million people were diagnosed with cancer. And the number of diseases continues to rise. There has been an 80% increase in cancer cases in the last thirty years.
But what are the reasons for this change? Increasing life expectancy is certainly one reason for the growing number of cases of illness. If you died in the past at 70, you couldn't get cancer at 80. Sounds logical so far.
But if you take the trouble to sort death statistics by age, you quickly realize that cancer can strike at any age. The usual suspects, alcohol and tobacco, are of course quickly ready as further explanations. We are now witnessing the generation that was able to smoke uninhibitedly for 50 or 60 years.
Well, and that pushes the cancer rate up properly. The dangers of radiation or toxins are completely ignored. This goes so far in the public consciousness that even serious reactor accidents, like the one in Fukushima 2 years ago, are presented as rather harmless and are then also perceived as such. According to the Japanese government, not a single person has fallen ill from radiation.
17 Apr 2013
Lungs - Air - Breath - Life
When a human dies, often the lungs are involved. The breathing once gone: dead.
Our lung is a hard working organ. Until the age of retirement our lungs have breathed in and out about 500 million times . The bronchi get flowed by 10.000 litres of air through the day.
Of course in a smoker’s lung this would be just air and smoke. The lungs of a healthy adult have more than 300 million alveolar. These spread out would cover an area as large as a football field.
One question: For example, if a doggy would poop on this sports field. Very close to the goal, of
course. The goalkeeper will surely be annoyed by that. What do you do in this case?
Answer: Doggy off the pitch and dog pile cleaned up.
Something similar would be the effect of a cigarette onto the bronchi. The smoke adheres them and when "the dog is not chased away", the lung will be full of shit soon!
5 Apr 2013
8 Nov 2012
Keep moving
The former German Chancellor Kohl was said to have only worn so-called slippers because he was too large to put on shoes while bending over. It doesn't matter whether that's true, the fact is that the man was immensely overweight. And if you are that fat, you no longer like to bend over. Back when I was still actively practicing Shotokan Karate, we had a sporting habit among us students. Do as much as possible with your feet. For example, turn off the light. See photo.
27 May 2012
Verse 18
11 Dec 2011
Ice cream at the open fire
22 Jun 2011
Endlich wieder laufen können
Komme grad' rein von einem wunderbaren Lauf durch Wiesen und Felder. Es tut so gut, den Körper in freier Natur zu bewegen. Dazu braucht es keinen Vertrag im Fitness-Studio, schon mit ein paar Laufschuhen und Shorts kann es losgehen. Ich hatte eine kleine Verletzung am Knie (nee nee, nicht vom Laufen) und musste meine Vorbereitung für den Marathonlauf etwas aussetzen. Nun ist alles wieder fit und es geht weiter.
9 Jun 2011
Raus und Tomaten anpflanzen!
27 May 2011
Seniorenresidenz oder Freitod?
Hier ist ein lesenswerter Artikel, ein Besuch in der Seniorenresidenz .
14 May 2011
Master Horst D. Lindenau talks about meditation
"Just like coming home."
Which kind is good for me? Suits me best?
"A good meditation program is similar to a physical exercise program. Both require hard work on yourself." Choose wisely.
What is important to consider?
"An important part of any type of meditation is doing one thing at a time. Few people have got the talent and ability of multi tasking."
Master Horst D. Lindenau meditation. Zen garden / UK |
3 May 2011
11 Apr 2011
Wo zwickt es denn?
8 Apr 2011
Zucker in Arsch blasen. Wie die Lebensmittelindustrie Dicke produziert
18 Jan 2011
22 Dec 2010
Ein wunderbarer Yoga Film von 1938
Ich fand diesen Film beim Internetsurfen und möchte ihn mit Euch teilen. Ihr kennt ja meine Einstellung zur Yoga Kunst. Wir müssen fit sein und bleiben, aber wir bewerben uns nicht im Zirkus. Dieser Film zeigt wirklich ästhetisches Yoga in reinster Form.
2 Dec 2010
1 Dec 2010
Es ist noch kein Meister vom Himmel gefallen
Darauf antworte ihm dieser, jeder ist irgendwie Meister. Die eine gebärt ein Kind und der andere ist Tischlermeister.
Nun, was bedeutet der Meistertitel in den Kampfkünsten? Im Yoga oder einer anderen Kunstrichtung? Ich meine üben, üben, üben und eiserne Disziplin. Und eines möchte ich noch hinzufügen. Auch jedwede "Erleuchtung" welche eventuell mit der Meisterschaft erreicht wird, hält nur 14 Tage. Dann muß sie neu erarbeitet werden.
Foto: Budogürtel von TerLiMa Großmeister Horst Lindenau, 2010
18 Nov 2010
Und so schlau wie damals
Gibt man bei Google den Begriff Weisheit ein, erscheinen ca. 3,1 Millionen Beiträge."Dummheit" dagegen erzielt 5,1 Millionen Treffer. Nun ist Dummheit nicht gerade 100% das Gegenteil von Weisheit. Aber probieren wir es mit Torheit und landen bei ca. 140.000 Treffern. Scheinbar schwer ist es, den Begriff Weisheit in Bildern darzustellen. Na ja, es erscheinen Bilder, aber diese zeigen dann wiederum Worte, Gedichte und Schriftzeichen.
Als ich vor 15 Jahren einen Zen Garten anlegte, musste ich entscheiden, welche Steine mit welchen Bedeutungen ich dort aufstellen wollte. Ein wichtiger Stein wurde dann der "stone of wisdom".
Seitdem habe ich viel über Weisheit gelesen, selbst erdacht und mich mit anderen darüber ausgetauscht. Und ich muss eingestehen, "ich bin so schlau wie damals".