18 Apr 2022
13 Apr 2022
Apple day!
Eat one apple a day. Really? An apple a day, keeps the doctor away. In Japan they say that about cherries.
But anyway, apples are good for you and add to longevity. Eating a few apples a week will improve the function of your lungs. Apples contain the antioxidant quercetin, which protects your lungs from the effects caused by smoke and air pollution.
Apples and carrots go well together.12 Apr 2022
12 Mar 2022
Buddhism represents the doctrine that killing is wrong as a principle. It is forbidden to kill an animal, or even kill an insect. I believe that life is not only existing in living organisms such as animals, but even the profane tomato, in any vegetables, fruits and even in every blade of grass.
Life comes from the universe, it is part of it and it it not understood at all what it really is yet. We just guess and assume, make decisions they suit us or believe what others tell us.. Why should it be wrong to kill an animal to eat it? However, to cut the grain and threshing is any better? I mean in the eyes of the universe all are the same. Humans, animals and plants. The sea, the clouds, the heat and the cold. It is all the same.
11 Feb 2022
Don't wait for spring cleaning
Two meditation master from SW England - breathing is the key!
What spring cleaning is for the household, a little detoxification from time to time is for your own body. I think the beginning of fall is a good time for that. Today I would like to describe four methods that make the body fitter and more resilient and also improve its appearance. And I'm not talking about expensive pills, formulas or eventual spa visits.
Everyone has the means for a small detoxification according to TerLiMa at hand. According to Kneipp, we use clear water and a brush or a natural sponge. What do you drink during the day and evening? Tea, coffee, milk, juices, alcoholic beverages should all be stopped for three days. drink water Yes, water is and remains the best and at the same time cheapest food. And I don't mean expensive waters from the shop shelf. No, just tap water.
In most places in Germany drinking water from the tap is perfectly acceptable. It is best to provide 2-3 liters for each day and drink throughout the day and evening. The liver is cleaned as well as the kidneys. Toxins are flushed out of the body. Pay attention to a good departure! But as the saying goes, water is for washing... So wash with clear water for three days. So consciously avoid soaps and bath additives. Then use a good brush during the bath and gently rub the whole body with it.
Separated skin cells are thereby removed, the immune and lymphatic systems are stimulated. And: Cellulite, the notorious orange peel skin where toxins accumulate, is reduced. And it doesn't matter if brushing wet or dry. Always towards the heart.
But even that is not very important. TerLiMa has already reported on the brush technology in earlier articles. In addition to water, breath is of particular importance for detoxification.
Try breathing consciously. You may even try and use different yoga breathing methods. You can't go wrong with this. Every consciously executed breath means a gain. Better breathing supplies the body with more oxygen. Consciously draw in the air deeply with your diaphragm.
Take a few moments several times a day to breathe deeply. With more oxygen, the body tissue is then detoxified. Smokers don't have to give up their addiction right away. But even here, a slight reduction in consumption can work wonders.
My last tip. TV off! Try surviving three days without a TV, even without a PC or other electronic entertainment. This detoxifies the mind, sleep becomes calmer and you feel more balanced. And who is normally surrounded by many people every day, looking for peace and contemplation for three days and also being alone once in a while.
Good luck and enjoy detoxing!
Do you want to look more attractive? Five a day
People who eat more fruits and vegetables not only look better and healthier, but they are also likely to be healthier, researchers say, because these foods contain antioxidants, which help the body fight infection.
British researchers are now proving their theory again, eat five servings of fruit and vegetables a day and you're on the safe side.
Of course, eating fruit and vegetables is much better than having ready meals and doner kebabs every day. "We all know that we should eat lots of fruit and vegetables, but we don't have enough motivation to actually eat healthy food," says Ross Whitehead, leader of the research team, in the Daily Telegraph.
"Telling people that if they don't eat healthier they might have a heart attack in 40 years is one thing. But when they say you could look this good in a few months if you ate more fruit and veg, that's more motivating.”
What I think is exaggerated is the myth of five types/servings a day. This is similar to a 24/7 contract for the gym. The more opportunity, the less often you go. That's what the operators build on, because if all the members came suddenly, there wouldn't be enough space. And five times fruit a day is so high that the thought quickly comes to mind: ‘I can’t do it.’
So much fruit and vegetables have to be bought and managed. Then a lot gets thrown away. I swear by the saying: An apple a day, keeps the doctor away". And if you pick the apple yourself, so much the better. What the apple means to the European, the plum means to the Japanese. And the researchers agree on that. Plums and carrots can promote an attractive appearance.
And the German newspaper Bild says: “Beauty tips against aging. Have sex! It's not only beautiful, it's also the perfect rejuvenation cure, because lots of anti-aging hormones are released."
Tantra Yoga can help you
In the tantric lovemaking experience , which is called "Maithuna" in the West, the lovers include a variety of rituals and meditations before the actual uniting.
5 Feb 2022
What's your age?
10 Nov 2021
One two three four - you are obese
26 Aug 2021
I have got all the time in the world
15 Feb 2021
Water is considered the first principle for health
Many illnesses are caused to the lack of drinking water. Enough water! We give the plants and the animals enough water and the same the human needs lot of it. About 70 percent of our physical body consits of water. And so does mother earth. About 70 percent of the earths surface is covered by water. And I personal believe the universe itself is made of 70 percent of water too. where is no water, or not enough life cannot prosper.
What does water do? In our body it clears the system of all the waste which comes continously inside the body, with food, influence from the enviroment and if not dischareged by drinking enough water, the body builds up germs, microbes, spores and bacteria. Water too regulates the temperature inside the body.
A normal adult excretes about one and a half to two pints of water daily. Water is exhaled through the lungs too and the urine system discharges another maybe three pints within 24 hours. If these amounts are not proper replaced by water intake, the body will suffer badly over the time and various illnesses will acure.
Therefor, drink plenty of water. If you live in an area with good public water supply, the usual tap water is just fine. Be aware with boittled water, often it contains too much minerals, salts etc. or even is just tap water from a different place.
3 Feb 2021
Life expectancy. Poor people die earlier!
Poor people die five years earlier.
Those who earn a lot live significantly longer. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute (Germany) have compared the life expectancy of poor and rich Germans. The differences are significant. And they are getting bigger and bigger.
When it comes to life expectancy, the gap between rich and poor is widening. This is the result of a study by the German Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research.
In 2008, 65-year-old men with high pensions could expect to live on an average of 20 years. Their peers with very low pensions only lived another 15 years. The gap between rich and poor has continued to widen in recent years.
In the mid-1990s, a rich pensioner in West Germany had a life expectancy that was three years longer than a man with a low pension, while in East Germany the difference was three and a half years. In 2008, the gap in West Germany was already 4.8 years and in the East 5.6 years. The greatest factor in prolonging life is apparently a high level of education, which the rich get more often than the poor. It is important to know "how to behave," said Rembrandt Scholz of the Max Planck Institute. This leads to a healthier diet, better opportunities on the job market and higher earnings. Presumably also more thorough medical care. According to the information, data from the German pension insurance system was evaluated for the study, which covers 86 percent of the male population. Women and migrants are not included in the study.
8 Jan 2021
Have a good discipline
6 Jan 2021
14 Nov 2020
You decide how long this road will be
Are you aware of your own life span? When many other go, you can still have this good life god designed you for. Live up to 115 years with Club 115 rules. Start to love yourself.
4 Nov 2020
What is the purpose of one's life?
I bet you have got no clue, otherwise you wouldn't read this in the first place. When you are clear about your purpose in life, concentrate your energy and efforts towards this goal. Be a boat with a rudder and compass, not only wind in the sails. Otherwise life blows you from one direction to the next and before you even realize... game over. Most people have a very limited life span, they even might get some kind of old. But this aging is worthless. Most spend the last 10-15 years just to suffer under decay.
This is not necessary! Join Club 115 and turn the tide. Life a real life!
1 Nov 2020
Club 115 members are most welcome
If you after longevity you need to start looking after yourself now. Here at CLUB 115 LTD. you find all the information you need. You can also join the CLUB 115 and benefit from massive price deductions and personal support for your whole family. The yearly membership is ony $ 999.00.
Email to CLUB 115 LTD. for your subsciption I want to be a member, yes!
21 Oct 2020
Be alive. Now!
23 Aug 2020
These three levels are very important
Our life comprises three levels, the body, the spirit and the soul.
None of the three levels is better or more sacred than the others, they are all equally important and none of these three levels are perfect unless all three are perfect. It is neither right nor noble to live only for the soul and to deny the body and the spirit. And it is just as wrong to only live for the spirit and to deny the body or the soul.
30 Jun 2020
The moon influences your daily life
The moon is similar like a clock for life on earth. Just like in the
oceans, (ships go up and down with the tides) there is ebb and flow in the
human body. Water flows through the cells in strict dependence on the moon.
This is particularly strong in times of new and full moon.
The effect of the moon is not only technically
visible at the sea due to the tides, but also on trees. Invisible to the eye,
but technically flawlessly measurable, trees swell up and down strictly in the
rhythm of the moon phases.
And just like the cells in the trees, our body cells also react. The moon
affects our body's water balance. If people complain of sleeping difficulty during
a full moon phase, it is not because it may be too bright. No, it is the water
balance in the body that is influenced by the position of the moon.
Police and taxi drivers regularly report
above-average alcohol excesses during the full moon, midwives have more to do
and mosquitoes bite faster. What has unfortunately not been sufficiently
researched is the answer to how we can make the moon phases practically usable.
Apart from a few esoteric approaches, research here is still very thin.