Showing posts with label Club 115. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Club 115. Show all posts

15 Aug 2019

TerLiMa has changed to Club 115

The new domain for our popular blog is now
This way we can deliver more clearly towards our main issue, the longevity with anti-aging.
Stay tuned!

28 Jul 2019

Club 115 can give you the most wanted

What goes up and never down? It is your age.

As time goes by you get older and "your" time runs out.
Day by day.

Wouldn't it be great to add some time to your life?
Yes it would!

But how?
Join Club 115 and you will get what you most wanted.


14 May 2019

The woods are good for us

When was the last time you visited the forest? Is it quite some time ago? Well, then it's time to plan another long walk. The forest keeps you healthy. Whether walkers, cyclists, riders, joggers or hikers. Everyone can use the forest in their own way. However, so that everyone can enjoy their trip in the forest undisturbed, it is of course necessary to take into account the forest, its animals and plants 
and of course other recreation seekers. For example, smoking in the woods should really be completely out.

The forest ecosystem is a partnership that is characterised by high stability and diversity. As a long-lived ecosystem, the forest is capable of self-regulation and contains a lot of biomass. The great benefit for the forest visitor is not only in the good, fresh air, but also peace and certain loneliness bring high health value. Mind and soul recover at the sight of nature.

12 May 2019

The food you eat - enjoy!

The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful medicine.
Or the slowest form of poison you take.

19 Apr 2019

Sleep better tonight

65 % of American adults do not get eight hours of sleep at night, about 70 million suffer from insomnia, and according to the National Sleep Foundation, nearly seven out of ten report frequent sleeping problems* …so far the statistics…

There is a link of sleep disorders and sleep deprivation to a host of ills, including an increased risk of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, depression, heart attack, and stroke.
You should know that our daily dose of shut-eye regulates the weight, strengthens our immunity, protects our cardiovascular health, repairs our tissues and cells, and restores our energy.
Go to bed now!

4 Apr 2019

Bye bye stress

Stress takes a toll on your body
Everyone at some point feels the effects of stress and many don’t know how to deal with it. I am not talking about the positive stress. No, just the negative one which is far more known as “stress” is a problem. 

To escape this stress by using alcohol, smoking or taking drugs makes matters worse and causing even more problems. Stress becomes a negative factor when a person faces continuous challenges without any time mixed in for relief of it. As a result, people become overworked and stress-related anxiety and illness shows. Stress causes people to breathe harder and usually the wrong way. 

And good breathing is essential for good (long) living. People who are stressed eat much more than usual. Sometimes they will eat much less. When you’re stressed, the brain sends alert sensations to the stomach. Your stomach can react with nausea or pain. Severe stress can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, or constipation. 

If this stress becomes chronic, you can develop ulcers. The best thing to do is learn to manage stress. You won’t avoid stress entirely, but it is possible to minimise the effects by eating healthy, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and taking care of yourself in general. And watch the breathing!
No stress > longevity!

2 Apr 2019

Everything has an end

Decay is inherent in all compounded things.
Strive on, with diligence.

28 Mar 2019

Turn water into wine

It is well known that expectations of a malady can be as dangerous as a virus. In the same way that shamans could harm their victims through the power of suggestion, priming someone to think they are ill can often produce the actual symptoms of a disease. Vomiting, dizziness, headaches, and even death, could be triggered through belief alone. It is called the “No-cebo effect”.

In the same way thoughts can influence any object and even a thought itself. This is a very important step, to understand longevity and use the mind as a tool in anti-aging. Master Horst D. Lindenau has performed this experiment, which is truly mind blowing.

Three glasses were filled with organic rice and pure water from a well. All three glasses were then placed in the same condition in one room and treated over a period with very different mind patterns. The outcome is astonishing. As in one jar the rice started growing in another one the water turned into mould.

17 Feb 2019

Think ahead to a bright future - No limits for me

Club 115 – What it means

Club 115 unites all people who aim to become 115 years old

New members can join at any age

Club 115 supports its members to live 
meaningful and healthy up to 115 years

Club 115 is part of the TerLiMa system

8 Feb 2019

Long life comes with good health

Healthy body - healthy mind - healthy you

30 Jan 2019

Smoking gives you a cup of tar for your lungs

Want to join club 115?
Become 115 years old?
Then stop bloody smoking! 
Most stupid thing to do -
 and easy to stop this nasty habit.

Rule no 2 for the club 115

29 Jan 2019

You like to join club 115

Club 115 is for people they made a clear decision. 
They aim to live up to the age of 115 (one hundred fifteen) years.
And that's dead 😊😊😊 easy!
From application on you just follow the 115 rules. 
After you introduced yourself to the 115 rules you are in!

(Rule no 1 for the club 115)
Eat a lot of fresh salads

24 Jan 2019


The basic principle of nutrition, from the TerLiMa perspective,
 is to eat small quantities of high quality foods. The high quality foods are those which promote the life force of the body without producing toxins. The recommended foods are vegetables, fruits, whole grains and nuts. Fish and meats can be added in moderation. Club 115 principles of nutrition are very similar to what science has discovered in more recent times. And of course, you should eat what makes you happy.

Healthy food = healthy you !

6 Dec 2018

Join club 115 and lets live life longer together

Club 115 is for those they want to live 115 years. 
You can join whatever age you are. Use the contact form on this page. 

Join club 115 and live together 115 years

7 Mar 2018

Age is just a number

Not long ago, many health problems experienced by older people were simply put down to their advancing years.

Fortunately, attitudes are changing. Fewer doctors are likely to tell you: "What else can you expect at your time of life?"

Today it is generally accepted that old age is not a diagnosis or a disease.

Indeed, most problems in later life are not caused by the ageing process itself. However, we should all be aware of the changes in our bodies as we grow older and take action to avoid damage to our health.

You start today by following this blog.

4 Mar 2018

You can become easy 115 years old

Did you hear that?

You can become easy 115 years old.

And this is only the basic or call it the realistic approach to what we call life span / death etc.

Other sources talk about a target at around 500 years.

Well, I have no further information on that. But I keep you informed.

6 Dec 2017

Regular training keeps you going

Regular training does not only keeps you fit, but it's fun!
Especially important to train are:
Keep on mind, who adhere to this rule avoid unnecessary suffering and grief in the future for themselves and their loved ones.

21 Mar 2015

It is television

Watching too much television will shorten your life

Six hours television a day will shorten your life by five years. With this fact television is playing in the same league than smoking or obesity. This is the result of a clinical study in Australia 2012. Australians watch on average two hours TV a day, while British people spend an hour more and do three hour. And you?

Sitting, too little exercise (movements) is strong connected to a higher risk of suffering of the common diseases, especially coronary illnesses. That's what I always said. If you want to grow in your personality and live not only longer but better, you have to destroy your TV!

Critics will say now, who cares? Better live shorter and have fun in life, than end up in an old peoples place worse of than battery chicken. But this is the wrong idea of getting old and being healthy. The aim should be, as long you are alive, body and mind should be in good condition and function well. Anything else is not worth doing. By the way, I am not blind. To sit in front of the PC does the same than the TV.
Television in German is called "Fernseher". Which means about "look into the distance"
You are better off to look at the real distance, for example on the beach. 

20 Jan 2015

Diabetes on the rise

Empty prosthetic. The leg amputated because of diabetic.

A message in an English newspaper

"1 in 7 patients in our hospitals suffers from diabetes. It is predicted that the
future treatment of this disease will cost more than 10 billion pounds."

TerLiMa-news reported two years ago that in the future, patients in hospitals will suffer from three diseases. Cardiovascular, diabetes and obesity. Well, on top of that there might be the odd cases of senile dementia and /or cancer. Not good prospects. And future means in the year 2023.

Men with a fat belly

I found these interesting figures.

Men with a flat stomach.

90% do not suffer from gallstones

70% do not develop high blood pressure

50% have no heart disease

17% have a better chance to survive the first heart attack

50% do not have erectile dysfunction

35% do not develop kidney cancer

and even 19% have an increased chance of surviving a car accident