Cancer, what is it actually? After all, this disease is now the cause of the death of over 200,000 people in Germany every year. Everyone's gonna die sometime. The only question is how and when. And cancer is the leading cause of death here in agony and dying at a rather young age.
Lung cancer is still the most common cause of death from cancer. In 2010 alone, almost 43,000 Germans died from it. Followed by breast cancer with 17500 deaths. Malignant changes of the colon and pancreas occupy the following places.
The most popular killer tumor in men is still lung cancer, and in women it is breast cancer. What does that tell us? Most diseases are probably home-made, i.e. they are the responsibility of the person concerned.
Think of the number one, lung cancer. There are now international studies on this disease that clearly show the connection between smoking and cancer. Diet and a massive lack of exercise are the next cause. So: get rid of cigarette butts or at least reduce consumption and go for a walk! Away with fast food and cook for yourself again. Then half the battle is won!