18 Apr 2022

Drink a fine amount of water. Daily!


The kidneys are very sensitive to your blood circulation

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t necessarily need to down 6 pints of water to keep your kidneys working well. Even with just 4 to 6 small glasses of water a day, your kidneys are probably fine. But sticking with just a cup or 2 a day could challenge the organ. Not only will you not have enough water flushing out your system to keep your sodium levels in check, but a dehydrated body will have a harder time keeping its blood pressure up.

The kidneys dont like it being dehydrated. This can cause that your blood pressure drops and the blood flow to your kidneys drops too, which makes them not well functioning.

 You don’t need to worry about that level of dehydration every day, just make sure you drink enough water if you are exercising a lot or outside on a hot day. Sure you want a bit more than.

 Water - river - healthiness

13 Apr 2022

Apple day!

Eat one apple a day. Really? An apple a day, keeps the doctor away. In Japan they say that about cherries.

But anyway, apples are good for you and add to longevity. Eating a few apples a week will improve the function of your lungs. Apples contain the antioxidant quercetin, which protects your lungs from the effects caused by smoke and air pollution.

Apples and carrots go well together.

12 Apr 2022

Breathing is the key


  Breathe mindfully and deeply