31 Jan 2019

Connect to nature. Best at the sea

If you live near the coast you should go as often you can and connect with the sea. Any weather is good for that. The air, the view, the pure nature and beauty.

30 Jan 2019

Smoking gives you a cup of tar for your lungs

Want to join club 115?
Become 115 years old?
Then stop bloody smoking! 
Most stupid thing to do -
 and easy to stop this nasty habit.

Rule no 2 for the club 115

Time is life - And life is time

We at club 115 aim for a life span of minimum 115 years. Come and join us! Time is life - time is precious!

29 Jan 2019

You like to join club 115

Club 115 is for people they made a clear decision. 
They aim to live up to the age of 115 (one hundred fifteen) years.
And that's dead 😊😊😊 easy!
From application on you just follow the 115 rules. 
After you introduced yourself to the 115 rules you are in!

(Rule no 1 for the club 115)
Eat a lot of fresh salads

24 Jan 2019


The basic principle of nutrition, from the TerLiMa perspective,
 is to eat small quantities of high quality foods. The high quality foods are those which promote the life force of the body without producing toxins. The recommended foods are vegetables, fruits, whole grains and nuts. Fish and meats can be added in moderation. Club 115 principles of nutrition are very similar to what science has discovered in more recent times. And of course, you should eat what makes you happy.

Healthy food = healthy you !